Lions rarely attack very large prey such as fully grown male giraffes due to the danger of injury. An attack by an entire pack is more likely. When they do go after giraffes, they are almost always young giraffes.
Young giraffes have been taken but adults are simply too much for most lions. They're too difficult to bring down and their hooves can break jaws.
Under normal circumstances, lions do not eat lions.
However, lions are intensely competitive. If the patriarch of a lion group is killed, the young males will vie for the position. It has certainly been documented that the successful contender may then eat any potential future rivals from the cubs.
Lions are known to eat other lion's offspring or even their own offspring if food is scarce. They eat the offspring of other animals too, such as hyenas, cheetahs, wild dogs and leopards.
I would only say "Yes" if they were UTTERLY desperate. Lions are not really ones for eating their own kind but if they were starving then Yes. Probably if they were already dead.
It is not that rare for big cats to be cannibalistic. Tigers and lions will sometimes eat cubs they have killed, and have been known to eat bodies of dead adults as well.
The Winner Is The Gorilla, WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO PICK THE LION?!?!?!?! Ok, Gorillas Are NOT Lazy OR Dumb, Gorillas Are Extremely Intelligent And Are Actually Very Active. A LION Is Lazy And Dumb. And Besides, Gorillas Are Like Twice As Heavy And Big As Lions. And Lions Just Sleep 24 Hours A Whole Day After Eating A Meal, What A Stupid Predator. And Yes, I Know Lions Are Predators And Gorillas Are Vegetarians But Gorillas Are Far More Heavier Than Lions With Gorillas Being Up To Like 445 KGs But Lions Just Weigh Up To 225 KGs. Gorillas Also Have A VERY Strong Bite Force That Gorillas Might Use For Defence And Can Rip Off A Part Of The Skin Of The Lion EASILY. Understand.
Large predatory cats that are capable of killing the gorilla.
lions eat ibex
Gorillas are primarily herbivores and their diet consists mainly of fruits, leaves, stems, and shoots. They also consume insects occasionally, but they are not a major part of their diet. Gorillas do not actively hunt or eat other animals.
No, lions are strict carnivores. They do not eat fruit.
many mountain lions eat gorillas. egals and viltures.
Possibly lions and most often leopards. A leopard would only prey on injured or weak adults, and especially young gorillas.
nope i dnt think so ... they never co-existed
The Winner Is The Gorilla, WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO PICK THE LION?!?!?!?! Ok, Gorillas Are NOT Lazy OR Dumb, Gorillas Are Extremely Intelligent And Are Actually Very Active. A LION Is Lazy And Dumb. And Besides, Gorillas Are Like Twice As Heavy And Big As Lions. And Lions Just Sleep 24 Hours A Whole Day After Eating A Meal, What A Stupid Predator. And Yes, I Know Lions Are Predators And Gorillas Are Vegetarians But Gorillas Are Far More Heavier Than Lions With Gorillas Being Up To Like 445 KGs But Lions Just Weigh Up To 225 KGs. Gorillas Also Have A VERY Strong Bite Force That Gorillas Might Use For Defence And Can Rip Off A Part Of The Skin Of The Lion EASILY. Understand.
gorillas eat leaves vines fruit roots and bark
lions or in the forest gorillas
Where they find them. Gorillas are not known to gather food to bring with them and eat later.
Yes and no... If they are hungry, gorillas will eat any kind of vegetable but they don't normally choose to eat peas!
Zebras and Lions and Gorillas and Bigfoot
Large predatory cats that are capable of killing the gorilla.
In Cambodia