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They go faster

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1w ago

Yes, gas planets tend to rotate faster around their axes than rocky planets. This is because gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn have less dense atmospheres and larger sizes, which allows them to rotate more quickly due to conservation of angular momentum. Rock planets like Earth and Mars have denser compositions and smaller sizes, leading to slower rotation speeds.

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Q: Do gas planets rotate around their axes faster than rock ones?
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Do planets orbit the sun?

Yes. The Sun in turn orbits the galaxy. Planets and the Sun also rotate on their axes.

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Mars does not rotate around the Sun. It revolves around the Sun. It takes Mars about 687 Earth days for Mars to revolve once around the Sun.Planets and moons rotate about their own axes, but they revolve around the Sun (for planets) or (for moons) other planets.

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Yes. All of the planets, which spin on their own axes, have a north and a south pole.To my knowledge, Earth is the only planet upon which axes may be found. I do believe that all planets that rotate around their axis have a north and south pole.

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Most planets rotate on their axes in a counterclockwise direction when viewed from above the Sun's north pole. This direction is known as prograde rotation. Venus is an exception, as it rotates in a retrograde or clockwise direction.

Do all planets stay in one place or do they revolve in orbit?

The planets turn about their axes (rotate), and move in orbits about the sun (revolve). They are all in dynamic motion all the time. Welcome to the music of the spheres. Planets (all of them) are continually in motion. They all revolve on their axes and move about the sun in their orbits. This is the music of the spheres.

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Planets orbit the Sun in ellipses, while moons orbit planets in ellipses or circles. Planets have relatively stable orbits defined by their distance from the Sun, while moons have more variable orbits influenced by gravitational interactions with their parent planet and other moons. The orbits of planets and moons in the solar system are in the same plane called the ecliptic, with some exceptions like Pluto and its moon Charon.

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Do electrons behave like planets rotating on their axes?

No, electrons do not behave like planets rotating on their axes. Electrons are fundamental particles that exhibit wave-particle duality and do not have a definite position or orbit like planets. Instead, they exist as probability clouds around the nucleus in an atom.

Do all planets rotate on their axes at the same rate?

No, different planets have different rotation rates. For example, a day on Mercury is longer than a year on Mercury, while Venus rotates very slowly in the opposite direction to its orbit. Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have varying rotation rates as well.

What is synchronous reference frame?

It has been shown that the speed of rotation of the d.q axes can be arbitrary although there are three preferred speeds or reference frames as follows: (a) the stationary reference frame when the d,q axes do not rotate; (b) the synchronously rotating reference frame when the d,q axes rotate at synchronous speed; (c) the rotor reference frame when the d,q axes rotate at rotor speed.