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Q: Do eukaryotic cells all divide at the same rate If not what controls the rate of division?
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Is cell division a prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell?

Cell division occurs in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In prokaryotic cells, cell division is mainly achieved through binary fission, while in eukaryotic cells, it occurs through either mitosis or meiosis.

What controls the rate at which cells divide?

The rate at which cells divide is controlled by various factors, including signals from the environment, the presence of growth factors, and internal regulators such as cyclin-dependent kinases. These factors coordinate and regulate the cell cycle to ensure proper cell division.

What cell organelle controls eukaryotic cells?


What is the term for cellular division?

Mitosis is the name for the process of division of eukaryotic cells.

Is the structure in eukaryotic cells that controls cell activities and contains genetic material?

The structure in eukaryotic cells that controls cell activities and contains genetic material is the nucleus. It houses the cell's DNA and is responsible for regulating gene expression and coordinating cellular functions.

What is the process in which eukaryotic cells divide called?


Does prokaryotic cells divide through the process of mitosis?

No, prokaryotic cells divide through a process called binary fission, which involves the replication and division of the genetic material and other cellular components into two identical daughter cells. Mitosis is a process specific to eukaryotic cells.

Are Mesokaryotic Cells Human Cells?

No, mesokaryotic cells are not human cells. Mesokaryotic cells are a type of cell found in certain algae and protists that have a nucleus with characteristics intermediate between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Human cells are eukaryotic cells that make up the tissues and organs of the human body.

Mitosis is a division of what?

All the cells that divide in your body, except for sex cells, which divide through meiosis, divide by mitosis.

What is the name of division in eukaryote cells?

Cell division in eukaryotic cells involves mitosis, which is the division of the replicated chromosomes into two identical sets, and cytokinesis, which is the division of the cytoplasm.

What are the differences of eukaryote and prokaryotic cells division?

Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and prokaryotic cells have no true nucleus.

The actual process of cell division in eukaryotic cells is called?

The actual process of cell division in eukaryotic cells is called mitosis. During mitosis, the cell nucleus divides into two daughter nuclei, each containing an identical set of chromosomes.