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Electrons in the outer shell, also known as valance electrons, determine how an atom will react. To be more precise I should add that there are transition state elements whose reactivity is also influenced by some of the inner electrons as well.

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12y ago

The electrons in the valence shell of an atom determines how it reacts with other atoms.

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11y ago

No. The electrons in the highest energy level of an atom determine how the atom reacts. The inner electrons in lower energy levels are shielded by the outermost, higher energy electrons.

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What determines how an atom reacts?

The factor in determining how an atom reacts is the valence electrons, ie how many and in what energy level.

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The number of protons and electrons in an atom determine its chemical properties. Specifically, the number of electrons in the outermost energy level (valence electrons) dictates how likely the atom is to react with other atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration.

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The number of electrons in the outermost shell is called the valence electrons. These electrons determine the chemical properties of an element and how it interacts with other elements.

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Valence electrons interact to form chemical bonds. These are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom, and they are involved in bonding with other atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration.

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An element's electrons play a crucial role in determining its chemical reactivity. The number and arrangement of electrons in an element's outermost energy level dictate how likely it is to form bonds with other atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration. Elements tend to react in ways that allow them to achieve a full outer energy level, either by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons.

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Nope, Chlorine reacts if it gains electrons. Not Lose. Apex

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