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Q: Do cotten plants split open when ripe?
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What is The process of dispersal when a ripe fruit burst to open?

The process where a ripe fruit bursts open to release its seeds is called explosive dehiscence. This mechanism enables the seeds to be forcefully ejected from the fruit to disperse and germinate in new locations. It is a common method of seed dispersal in plants like peas and touch-me-nots.

What makes a ripe strawberry a good choice for DNA extraction?

Ripe strawberries are a good choice for DNA extraction because they have a high DNA content due to their rapid cell division and growth. The cells in ripe strawberries contain a large amount of DNA and are easy to break open, which makes it easier to extract the DNA. Additionally, the high sugar content in ripe strawberries helps preserve the DNA during the extraction process.

Does the jasmine plant produce seeds?

Jasmine flowers can be pollinated by either insects, or by the gardener, taking care not to damage the flower stems. Once fertilized, the jasmine plants will start to produce jasmine seeds within a pod. Jasmine plants produce bean-like seed pods, which need to be watched carefully if you intend to plant them in order to produce seedlings. These jasmine seeds pods can break open suddenly once the pod is ripe, and spill the seeds everywhere. Catching the ripe pods before they open means that you can save the seeds: look for the pod turning brown, as this is the sign that it has ripened and is about to burst. Read more: See related link

What is the noun for ripe?

The noun form for the adjective ripe is ripeness.

Does the balsam plant uses the wind to its seedsam?

Yes, balsam plants rely on the wind to disperse their seeds. The seeds are housed in capsules that explode when ripe, releasing the seeds to be carried by the wind to new locations for germination.

Related questions

Differentiate dehiscent from indehiscent?

Indehiscent fruit do not split open when ripe. Dehiscent fruits do split open along a built in line of weakness. An example of a dehiscent fruit is a peanut. An indehiscent fruit would be an apple.

What are schizocarpic fruits?

Schizocarpic fruits are dry fruits that open suddenly when ripe and split into two or more parts each with a single seed.

What must happen before the fertilization process can happen in pea plants?

The flowers must be open and contain ripe pollen.

Do milkweed pods explode?

It looks like an explosion but that is because of the silk attached to the seeds makes it look like smoke. They just split open when they are dry or ripe.

Why do apricots split?

the fruit is ripe and the stone is getting ready to sprout

If you dropped a watermelon would it break?

Speaking from experience, yes - a ripe watermelon will shatter if dropped! Under-ripe ones may just split.

What sort of frit does a brassica plant have?

The type of fruit that a brassica plant has is dry and splits open when it becomes ripe. Examples of brassica plants are cabbage, broccoli and turnips.

Why do your pomegranates burst long before they are ripe?

if the pomagrant is ripe than if it falls it will open but if not than a knife will do

What are the characteristics of seeds dispersed by explosive action?

Seeds dispersed by explosive action have pods or capsules that burst open when mature, propelling seeds away from the parent plant. This dispersal method helps seeds travel farther distances to colonize new areas. Examples include plants like violets, touch-me-nots, and witch hazel.

Why are bananas more exposed to decomposers than apples?

Three general reasons: - the banana skins are more porous and split open easily - bananas get softer faster when they ripen - bananas are higher in sugars when ripe

What is The process of dispersal when a ripe fruit burst to open?

The process where a ripe fruit bursts open to release its seeds is called explosive dehiscence. This mechanism enables the seeds to be forcefully ejected from the fruit to disperse and germinate in new locations. It is a common method of seed dispersal in plants like peas and touch-me-nots.

What parts of plants are edible?

Seeds; unripe in vegetables and ripe as pulse