Corn is known scientifically as Zea Mays. It is a phytonutrient rich food that provides anti oxidant benefits. Corn as a sweet, yeasty smell.
Sure! Some blue flowers include hydrangeas, forget-me-nots, delphiniums, and cornflowers.
Tulips close at night , because when sun rises in the morning temperature of the atmosphere rises and rate of transpiration increases with the increase of temperature. so tulips cells loses water potential and become lose and become open. when day passed on and temperature become low than water potential increases and become tight so tulips close at night. Flowers also close their petals to keep out 'the wrong type' of insect. Flowers that close their petals at night are called 'photonastic'.
Yes, tulips typically open during the day and close at night. This behavior is known as nyctinasty, which is a natural response to changes in light and temperature. Tulips usually open in the morning and close in the evening to protect their flowers and conserve energy.
Yes, cornflowers can come in various colors including blue, pink, purple, and white. Blue is the most common color for cornflowers, but there are also cultivated varieties that display a range of colors.
When the sun sets over the horizon, we say that the day is coming to a close or that night is falling.
you can stay over night
Yes, lilies typically close at night.
Cornflowers, a small annual flowering plant in the Asteraceae family will usually bloom in early to mid-summer. This plant will grow 16-35 inches tall and will have grey-green stems.
The animals close their eyes at night because at night humans show their inner beauty and the animals get digusted and close their eyes .
Yes, tiger lilies typically close at night.
Yes, daylilies typically close at night and reopen in the morning.
Yes but don't do that too often or they will close. :)
Yes they close their wings when they sleep