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Photosynthesis takes place in the stem of the cactus. Needles are the cactus' equivalent of leaves. But they don't have enough surface area to support photosynthesis or to store photosynthetic byproducts. So the cactus' stem is bigger, taller, and wider than in many other plants. The cactus needs all that extra space to move around and store water, dissolved nutrients, and byproducts of the photosynthetic interaction with sunlight.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Yes, carnivorous plant use photosynthesis for most of their intake and just need the prey they take for trace elements, possibly nitrogen too, that the soil they are planted in does not provide.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Every plant uses photosynthesis so it'd have to be a yes.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

if they are green they do. they are just like a regualr plant in almost every way.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, if they didn't, they would have glucose to grow

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Yes photosynthesis cactuses do.Cactus is a type of plant. It carry out photosynthesis

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: What part of the cactus does photosynthesis occur?
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What part of the cactus does photosynthesis?

In a cactus the leaves have been reduced to spines, to reduce the surface area from which water can be lost and to deter animals from eating the plant. As there are no leaves, photosynthesis must take place in the stem.

In which part of the plant photosynthesis occur?


What is the uses of leaves in plant?

it is the part where photosynthesis occur

What part of the photosynthesis an occur at night?

Calvin cycle

What part of a cactus is adapted for photosynthesis?

The flattened stems of a cactus, also known as the pads or cladodes, are adapted for photosynthesis. These pads have a large surface area that allows for increased sun exposure, while the waxy coating helps reduce water loss. Additionally, the presence of specialized cells called chloroplasts within the pads enables photosynthesis to occur efficiently in these plants.

What part of a leaf does photosynthesis most occur?

mesophyll cells

Is cactus an autotroph?

Yes, cactus is an autotroph. It can produce its own food through photosynthesis by utilizing sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.


Cactus, like other plants, uses photosynthesis to get energy.

Why cactus make food in stem?

Because it has no true leaves, the only part of a typical cactus that can produce food via photosynthesis is the stem. Through evolution, the leaves have become modified and not form the spines of the cactus, loosing their ability to photosynthesise

Which part of photosynthesis can occur even when there is no light?

That is the dark reaction. It needs no light

Where does photosynthesis take place in a catus?

Photosynthesis in a cactus primarily takes place in its green stem or pads. These parts contain chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for photosynthesis, and allow the cactus to convert sunlight into energy. The cactus has adapted to reduce water loss by performing photosynthesis primarily during the cooler night hours.

How is carbon used in photosynthesis?

Carbon is used in photosynthesis as part of carbon dioxide, which is one of the reactants needed in photosynthesis. Without carbon, this process cannot occur.