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Q: Do basaltic volcanoes usually have steep sides?
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Why do shield volcanoes have steep sides but are still very tall?

shield volcanoes have gentle sides and aren't very tall

Why shield volcanoes do not have steep sides but are still very tall?

shield volcanoes have gentle sides and aren't very tall

Why are composite volcanoes steeply sloped?

It depends on viscosity of the lava. the runnier the lava, the farther it flows before solidifying, so it cannot pile up as fast.

Are shield volcanoes steep mountains?

No, shield volcanoes are not steep mountains. They have gently sloping sides due to the relatively low viscosity of the lava that flows from them, which allows the lava to spread out and create a wide, shield-like shape.

Steep-sloped volcanos with alternating layers of cinders and basalt flows are called what?

These volcanoes are called stratovolcanoes or composite volcanoes. They are characterized by their steep slopes and alternating layers of cinders, ash, and lava flows, typically made of basaltic and andesitic compositions.

What are the differences between the 3 types of volcanoes?

The three main types of volcanoes are shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes (composite volcanoes), and cinder cone volcanoes. Shield volcanoes have broad, gently sloping sides and are mainly composed of basaltic lava flows. Stratovolcanoes are tall, steep-sided cones formed by alternating layers of lava flows and pyroclastic materials. Cinder cone volcanoes are small, steep-sided cones composed of pyroclastic material, often with a central vent.

Along what outline do the volcanoes fall?

Volcanoes can be classified based on their eruption style, shape, and location. Common types include shield volcanoes with broad, gently sloping sides, stratovolcanoes with steep sides and explosive eruptions, and cinder cone volcanoes with steep sides and a small crater. They are often found along tectonic plate boundaries or hot spots in the Earth's crust.

Why does a cinder cone volcanoes have such steep sides?

when lava flows down it the lava that stayed on it gets hard

What are the characterististicsc of the three types of volcanoes?

What are the characterististicsc of the three types of volcanoes?

What are gentle sided and steep sided volcanoes?

Gentle-sided volcanoes, also known as shield volcanoes, have broad and sloping sides with gently sloping eruptions of basaltic lava. Steep-sided volcanoes, also called stratovolcanoes, have steeper sides due to the buildup of layers of hardened lava, ash, and volcanic rocks from explosive eruptions. Examples of gentle-sided volcanoes include Mauna Loa in Hawaii, while examples of steep-sided volcanoes include Mount St. Helens in the United States.

What are the 3 kinds of volcanoes?

The three main types of volcanoes are shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes (composite volcanoes), and cinder cone volcanoes. Shield volcanoes have gently sloping sides and are formed by layers of lava flows. Stratovolcanoes are characterized by steep sides and explosive eruptions. Cinder cone volcanoes are small, steep-sided volcanoes built from explosive eruptions that eject fragmented rock.

Large volcanoes with steep slopes that commonly collapse or explode at the top giving them a bowl for a crater.?

Composite cones are steep sided, cone shaped volcanoes that produce explosive eruptions.Composite volcanoes have broad bases and steep sides. These volcanoes usually have a large crater at the top. The crater was created during the volcano's last eruption.Composite volcanoes are also called stratovolcanoes. This is because they are formed by alternating layers (strata) of magma and ash. The magma that creates composite volcanoes tends to be thick. The steep sides form because the lava cannot flow too far from the vent. The thick magma may also create explosive eruptions. Ash and pyroclasts erupt into the air. Much of this material falls back down near the vent. This creates the steep sides of stratovolcanoes.Composite volcanoes are common along convergent plate boundaries. When a tectonic plate subducts, it melts. This creates the thick magma needed for these eruptions. The Pacific Ring of Fire is dotted by composite volcanoes.Word-for-word from source: