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awareness is being AWARE and yes, animals do, if they didnt all would die.

they prey needs to be aware of the predators, the predators need to be aware of where the prey is. and we are animals and we are aware

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4mo ago

Animals are believed to have varying degrees of awareness, with some species showing more complex cognitive abilities than others. Awareness generally refers to the ability to perceive and have knowledge about one's own body, thoughts, and surroundings. It includes aspects such as self-awareness, consciousness, and experience of sensations.

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Q: Do animals have awareness and what is awareness?
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Can animals sense mudslides?

Yes, some animals may be able to sense mudslides before they occur due to their acute senses and awareness of changes in their environment, such as vibrations in the ground or the sound of moving soil. For example, certain animals may react to these signs by behaving differently or moving to higher ground to escape potential danger.

How living things are differences from non-living things?

The difference is that living things, at least humans and animals, have conscious awareness, of themselves and/or of things/people around them. Non-living things do not. Plants do not of course have this consciousness, but they exhibit another quality of life that is different from non-living things, which is that they grow. It is not clear that animals other than humans have a conscious awareness of themselves. There is evidence of non human self awareness; however, it is far from a scientific 'fact' established that non-human animals have self awareness. Next, just exactly what consciousness is, in the first place, is far from established and accepted. Some classics: Ability to reproduce a comperable, such as a new born, which grows and then reproduces itsself. To consume and alter substances by incorporating them into the structure of the organizm. Ability to move, to relocate, without the direct influence of something else. Example, a rock which moves from the effect of the wind not the same as a child who moves from place to place when it crawls. Alteration of the environment by making tools or more of themselves, see Ability to reproduce....

What part of the brain responsible for orientation and awareness?

Brain stem is responsible for Basic awareness The neocortex is the part of the brain that is possible for self-awareness. This is seen in chimps, gorillas, orangutangs, dolphins, elephants and recently in magpies.

Which animal has the lightest sleep?

Dolphins are known to have the lightest sleep among animals. They only rest one hemisphere of their brain at a time, allowing them to maintain awareness of their surroundings and potential dangers while sleeping.

Differences between knowledge and awareness?

Knowledge refers to the factual information that a person knows while awareness means having the know how to do something.

Related questions

What has been done to help stray animals?

To help stray animals, people have taken in animals, started organizations, raised awareness on animals and donate to other organizations.

How is awareness regulated by the brain?

Awareness is regulated by cortical areas within the cerebral hemispheres, the outermost layer of the brain that separates humans from other animals by allowing for greater intellectual functioning.

What are some Wildlife protection slogans?

Create awareness among people so that animals are safe in future.

What characterizes an animal's capacity to learn and what sets it apart from humans?

Humans are animals. Mammals in fact. Humans have a higher awareness that leads us to believe we are superior to other animals.

What type of ability is sentience?

Sentience is the awareness of what is happening. Sentient animals are the best example as they are always aware of predators and what is happening around them.

How do you use the word wetlands in a sentence?

We are trying to raise the public's awareness regarding the adjacent wetland.

Does Steve Irwin hunt animals?

Steve Irwin passed away on Sept. 4, 2006. But before that, he never hunted animals, except by tracking them down for environmental, or environmental awareness, reasons.

Can animals be transsexual?

This is up for debate, and nobody really knows. Animals are assumed to not have the same type of awareness or "souls" as humans. Humans have enough of an awareness to know if who they are does not match their body. It is possible that animals could be transsexual, but that they have no sense of awareness that they have it. They simply act naturally without thinking, and the others accept them as what they present. There was the study that involved "gay rats." It is possible that what scientists created were transsexual rats. They weren't merely living as male rats while having sex with male rats, but were behaving almost entirely as female rats. So maybe animals can be, but it is a moot issue, since they seem to deal with it, and the other animals treat them as how they present. Some animals are hostile to all of the same kind, even those they mate, and thus no distinction is made in behavior.

In risk management what are the three basic categories of control?

awareness, educational, avoidance awareness, educational, avoidance awareness, educational, avoidance awareness, educational, avoidance awareness, educational, avoidance awareness, educational, avoidance awareness, educational, avoidance awareness, educational, avoidance

Do animals sin?

No, animals do not have the capacity to sin because they do not have the same level of moral awareness and ethical understanding as humans. Sin is a concept rooted in religious and moral teachings, which animals do not adhere to.

What countermeasures would likely be considered the most effective across all organizations?

Awareness trainingAwareness Training

Are there slogans for animals?

The best slogan around about stray animals is the following: "Within the heart of every stray lies the singular desire to be loved."