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Animal cells do not have middle lamella. This is only found in plant cells but the animal cells have micro filaments.

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Q: Do animal cells have middle lamella?
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The middle layer of cells is?


What is the position of the lamella?

The position of Lamella is the Middle

What substance is composed in midlle lamella cells?

The middle lamella of plant cells is primarily composed of pectin. Pectin is a complex polysaccharide that helps to cement adjacent cells together, providing structural support and adherence between plant cells.

What is is the function of the middle lamella?

to give the chloroplast, tonoplast and Golgi apparatus some toothpaste so it can brush its teeth with the leaves on the plant. hope this! this is ridiculous ok so the middle lamella glues adjacent cells together,gives them stability to form plasmodesmata between cells

What is the layer of cementing material which holds adjacent plant cells?

The layer of cementing material that holds adjacent plant cells together is called the middle lamella. It is primarily composed of pectins, which are complex polysaccharides that help bind the cell walls of neighboring plant cells. The middle lamella acts as a glue-like substance that provides structural support and helps maintain the integrity of the plant tissue.

What is middle lamellae made up of?

The middle lamellae is made up of pectin, which is a complex carbohydrate found in plant cells. Pectin acts as a binder, holding adjacent plant cells together and forming the primary cell wall between them. It provides structural support and helps in maintaining the integrity of plant tissues.

What is the outward pressure against a cell wall?

Middle Lamella

Why middle lamella is called cementing layer?

because it forms a layer b/w primary and secondry wall...

What is a desription of a nucleus?

It is a big blob closet to the middle of both animal and plant cells

Where is the nuclelus in an animal and plant cell located?

Nucleus can be any where in cytoplasm.In many cells,it is in the middle.

How are animal and plant cells different when become two cells?

During cell division, animal cells form a cleavage furrow, which pinches the cell in two. Plant cells, however, form a cell plate in the middle, which eventually becomes the new cell wall between the two daughter cells. Additionally, animal cells do not have a cell wall, so this feature is unique to plant cells.

Is lamella a noun?

Yes, the word lamella is a noun, a singular (the plural is lamellae), common, concrete noun.