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Incase of a volcanic erutpion the things that you would DO to keep safe is:

.evacuate imediately from the volcano area to avoid flying debris,hot gasesLateral blast and etc

.Listen to a battery powered radio or televison for the latest emergency info

.Wear long sleves shirts and pants

. Use dust mask-orhold a damp cloth over your face to help with breathing

.Stay away from areas down wind-to avoid volcanic ash

.stay indoors until ash is settel unles roof is colllasping

.Close doors, windows, and all ventelation -chimenys,vent, fornances,air conditioners , fans and other vents

.LEAVE area immediatley if warned to


. Do not go near lava flows or volcano

.DO not visit volcanos that has pyrodastic explosions

.Do not go near exploding volcano to see the view

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

During volcanic eruptions, do listen to emergency alerts and evacuate if advised to do so. Don't disregard evacuation orders or return to the area until authorities declare it safe. Do protect yourself from ashfall by staying indoors, wearing long-sleeved shirts, pants, and masks. Don't inhale ash particles or attempt to drive through ash-covered areas.

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