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Q: Do all types of fermentation make CO2?
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What are the types of Co2 cartridge?

All Co2 cartridges are the same, they are just different sizes.

What is the equation of homolactic fermentation?

The equation for homolactic fermentation is: Glucose → 2 Lactic Acid + 2 ATP.

What kind of gas is produced during the fermentation of glucose?

CO2 and a small amount of SO2 It depends upon the strain. Almost all yeast will produce Carbon Dioxide in the fermentation process. Most also produce alcohol.

Is it illegal to have CO2 airsoft guns in airsoft teams?

Most all teams allows virtually all types of guns. The question is what fields are the CO2 guns allowed.

What cells does alcohol affect?

Alcohol can affect many cells in the body, including those in the brain, liver, heart, and immune system. It can disrupt cellular communication, lead to inflammation, and cause oxidative stress, which can contribute to various health issues. Long-term alcohol consumption can also damage cells and tissues, leading to conditions like alcoholic liver disease.

How does Bulgaria make wine?

like all other makes the wine- by fermentation of the grapes

What are the types of fermenters?

alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation

What cookies can you make?

you can make all types of them

What anaerobic organism uses fermentation to convert energy?

Anaerobes all use fermentation.

Which of these pathways produces carbon dioxide as a by-product?

oxidation of different molecules like carbohydrates protein and fats result in finall emession of water CO2 and energy and other waste products. First all the compounds i.e. protein carbohydrates fats are converted in acetyl Co.A which then undergo the TCA cycle where they produce CO2. Secondlly there is a fermentation process in anaerobic organism which undergo this process like alcoholic fermentation by some bacteria and fungi, which ferment sugar in ethanol and CO2

What types of ailments is CO2 laser treatment used for?

CO2 laser treatment can be used to cure almost all types of skin ailments one might suffer from. Laser treatment can help get rid of some common things, like tattoo and stretch mark remove.

How long does fermentation take?

Fermentation can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the specific type of fermentation and the environmental conditions. Factors such as temperature, type of microbes involved, and the desired outcome of the fermentation process can all impact the duration.