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So far all of them have either died or will die.

A Different Perspective:Death is an interesting question to ponder. Death is only inevitable if the system we live in (the universe) creates a situation that will inevitably kill that organism. As such it is impossible to tell if death is inevitable until the system ends (ie time stops) in which case doesn't the organism die anyway, or until the organism actually dies in which case it was inevitable. However, if we are considering this system on a more superficial level such as aging or what-not then that is entirely limited to the genes that the organism posses. Bacteria constantly split off from each other and therefore only die when they are eaten or placed in an environment of which they cannot survive. While we, humans, age, are hurt, unable to repair any significant damage, and literally replace every cell in our body approximately every 7 years can be said to be easily killed and are actually dying every second of everyday- which also brings up a point that we are being created every second of everyday. As a final point I would like to bring to mind a peculiar little jelly-fish called the Turritopsis Nutricula which is approximately 5mm in size and when hurt, starving, or about to die from old age has the ability to actually change from its inferior form back into a polyp stage. Addendum:

Life exists on the cellular level. That being said, if the cells die, the larger organism composed of the cells dies.

The only cellular life that humans know of that continue to divide (survive) ad infinitum are cancer cells. So, all lifeforms of which humans are are aware, with the exception of one, die.

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13y ago
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7mo ago

Yes, all living things eventually die. Death is a natural part of the life cycle for all organisms.

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14y ago

Yes. No living thing can live forever although some living things live a very, very long time.

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