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No, the chlorine and other chemicals in CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) destroy the ozone molecules and weaken the ozone layer.

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Q: Do CFCs strengthen the ozone layer?
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What layer of the ozone is CFCs harmful to?

CFCs harm the ozone layer by breaking down ozone molecules in the stratosphere, specifically in the layer known as the ozone layer. This depletion of ozone molecules can lead to an increase in harmful ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface.

How has the production of CFCs affect Canadas ozone layer?

The production of CFCs in Canada has contributed to ozone layer depletion globally, not just in Canada. CFCs break down ozone molecules in the stratosphere, leading to the formation of the ozone hole. Canada's efforts to phase out CFCs through international agreements like the Montreal Protocol have helped mitigate the damage to the ozone layer.

Which compound is hazardous to the ozone layer?

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons are compounds known to be hazardous to the ozone layer. These chemicals break down ozone molecules in the stratosphere, leading to the depletion of the ozone layer. Efforts have been made to reduce the use of CFCs and halons in various applications to protect the ozone layer.

What is the enemy of the ozone layer and where is this enemy found?

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are the main enemy of the ozone layer. They are found in refrigerants, aerosol propellants, and foam-blowing agents. When released into the atmosphere, CFCs break down ozone molecules, leading to ozone depletion.

Why is the CFCs and the ozone layer a concern?

CFC's and ozone layer combined is a concern. It is the problem because CFC's destroy the ozone to a great content.

Related questions

What does CFCs do to the ozne layer?

CFC's go in the ozone layer. They deplete the ozone.

What can destroy the ozone?

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) destroy ozone in the ozone layer.

What can each one of us do to save the ozone layer?

In order to save the ozone layer,we have to curb the use of CFCs. These CFcs are the ones that help in the destruction of ozone.

How can chloroflourocarbons destroy an ozone?

Yes, CFCs can destroy the ozone layer. They react with ozone present in ozone layer and decompose it.

Describe The destruction of The ozone layer by CFCs?

The CFC's are present in the ozone layer. They make oxides with ozone and deplete it.

How can you help minimize the distruction of the ozone layer?

In order to help to minimize the destruction of ozone layer, we have to curb the use of CFCs. CFCs are the compounds that are the main reason behind ozone depletion.

How ozone layers is destroyed?

Ozone layer is destroyed by the continues use of CFCs. They react with ozone to decompose it and deplete the layer.

What affects does chlorofluorocarbons have had on your ozone layer?

CFCs are the chemicals that are responsible for the depletion of ozone layer. These chemicals react with ozone to deplete it.

How ozone can be replenished?

Ozone layer can be replenished by avoiding the use of CFCs. In the absence of these chemicals, the ozone layer will replenish itself.

How can the ozone be replenished?

Ozone layer can be replenished by avoiding the use of CFCs. In the absence of these chemicals, the ozone layer will replenish itself.

What is the protective layer of the atmosphere destroyed by CFCs?


What caused ozone layer to break down?