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Q: Discuss tow ways that all cells are alike?
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What are three ways all living cells are alike?

all cells have a cell membrane and a cytoplasm

How are animal and bacterial cells alike and different?

Plant, animal, and bacterial cells alike and different in a great number of ways. These cells all for example can have organelles.

What are two ways all cells are alike?

all cells have a nucleus and are covered by a membrane to protect it from getting damaged.

What are two ways that all cells are all alike?

all cells have a nucleus and are covered by a membrane to protect it from getting damaged.

Give 3 ways that cells are not alike?

Cells can differ in size, shape, and structure. They can also vary in their specialized functions or roles within an organism. Additionally, cells can have different genetic makeup or levels of gene expression, leading to diverse characteristics and behaviors.

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Is it true that all cells are alike in structure and metabolic activities?

No, all cells are not alike in structure and metabolic activities. Cells can vary in size, shape, and specialized functions depending on their location and role in the body. Different types of cells have specific metabolic activities and structures tailored to their functions.

How are all the cells of a sponge alike How are they different?

They are alike because they all move around,

Do all the oscillatoria cell looks alike or is there differentiation of certain cells within the filament?

All Oscillatoria cells do not look alike. Oscillatoria uses photosynthesis in order to survive as well as to reproduce. These cells are part of the bacteria kingdom.

How are bacteria a rose and an elephant alike?

They are all made of eukaryotic cells

How are the layer's of the earth alike?

it is alike because the are the same in different ways because they are all part of the earths crust

Do all Oscillatoria cells look alike or is there differentiation of certain cells within the filament?

All Oscillatoria cells look alike and are similar in structure. There is no differentiation of certain cells within the filament. Each cell performs the same functions in terms of photosynthesis and reproduction.