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If the eruption was big enough it could block out the sun and causing the earth to cool. If you saw pictures of the recent Iceland volcanic eruption you could see how this could happen. Most likely the recent eruption will cause weather to changes around the world. One of the elements that is sent into the atmosphere is sulfur and sulfur reflects sunlight back so it doesn't reach the earth causing it to cool and changing weather.

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9y ago

The ice age is not believed to have result from a volcano. Most scientists think the ice ages oucurred as a result of fluctuations in Earth's orbit and the tilt of ix axis.

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Q: Did volcanoes cause an ice age?
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Yes. Volcanoes are driven by forces deep inside the Earth where conditions are not affected by temperatures at the surface.

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Does mars have any volcanoes valleys or ice geysers?

What I have learned in Earth Science I would say that there is many volcanoes and/or ice geysers.

Can you get a sentence with the words ice age and berning strait?

many scientist havent determine what cause ice ages.