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As a matter the fact, the ABSENCE of anti-matter in our Universe is a problem scientists are still trying to explain. We know that anti-matter is almost non-existent here, but our present theories can give no reason why that should have happened -- any more than our present scientific theories can explain where lightning comes from. In both cases, scientists are working on developing better theoretical understanding.

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The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe started from a singularity with enormous energy, which eventually expanded into the universe we see today. While anti-matter likely played a role in the early stages of the universe, it is not the sole origin of the Big Bang. Both matter and anti-matter were present in the early universe but due to a slight imbalance, matter has become more prevalent in the universe we observe today.

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Q: Did the big bang start from anti-matter?
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What is the theory of creation of matter and antimatter from nothing?

You are giving the definition for the Big Bang Theory.

Is it possible for the Big Bang Theory to be true using antimatter?

The question itself is a little unclear, but one of the open questions in cosmology is why there appears to be an imbalance in the amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe. This doesn't mean the Big Bang theory is incorrect, it just means that there's a piece that hasn't been explained yet.

What are two questions physicists have regarding antimatter?

Why is there more matter than antimatter in the universe, given that they should have been produced in equal amounts during the Big Bang? What are the properties of antimatter that could potentially unlock new physics beyond our current understanding of the universe?

What was the big bang and what were conditions an occurrence?

The Big Bang theory explains the expansion of the universe from a very high-density and high-temperature state. It occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago. At the moment of the Big Bang, the universe was extremely hot, dense, and rapidly expanding, leading to the formation of all matter and energy in the universe.

How old was the universe when the big bang thory happened?

Events in the Universe are often dated from the Big Bang. But the fact is, NOBODY KNOWS what (if anything) happened before the Big Bang. The Big Bang MAY have been the start of time itself; but it is possible that the Universe existed (in some form) forever in the past.

Related questions

What does the big bang theory and antimatter have in common?

Scientists "speculate" that the Big Bang created antimatter, but it was destroyed when coming into contact with stars, planets, and other matter.

What is the theory of creation of matter and antimatter from nothing?

You are giving the definition for the Big Bang Theory.

Which is the main concept of the Big Bang. is it the matter and anti-matter collision or the wide unstabilized spreading of mass and energy?

The spread of mass and space. The matter-antimatter collisions HAD to happen after the big bang.

Is it possible for the Big Bang Theory to be true using antimatter?

The question itself is a little unclear, but one of the open questions in cosmology is why there appears to be an imbalance in the amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe. This doesn't mean the Big Bang theory is incorrect, it just means that there's a piece that hasn't been explained yet.

How did space start?

the big bang.

What is the goal CERN?

By recreating Big Bang conditions, scientists at CERN trie to answer following questions:Why is there no-more antimatter left, although both, matter and antimatter were resulting from the Big Bang in equal parts and thus, should've annihilate themselves?Why do particles have mass? What is mass? Is the origin of mass the Higgs-boson?Does dark matter exist? What is dark matter?Do extra dimensions exist?

What is cern trying to do with the large hadron collider?

By recreating Big Bang conditions, scientists at CERN trie to answer following questions:Why is there no-more antimatter left, although both, matter and antimatter were resulting from the Big Bang in equal parts and thus, should've annihilate themselves?Why do particles have mass? What is mass? Is the origin of mass the Higgs-boson?Does dark matter exist? What is dark matter?Do extra dimensions exist?

When did the big bang start?

The TV show Big Bang Theory first Premiered on September 24, 2007 on CBS.

Did the world start by a big bang?

The Universe was created by the big bang. The World or Earth, was formed about 9 billion years later from stellar debris and materials created by the big bang.

Why was the big bang chosen to start evolution?

The Big Bang theory and the modern evolutionary synthesis are two completely unrelated scientific theories. One did not start the other.

What are two questions physicists have regarding antimatter?

Why is there more matter than antimatter in the universe, given that they should have been produced in equal amounts during the Big Bang? What are the properties of antimatter that could potentially unlock new physics beyond our current understanding of the universe?

What date did the big bang start?

The big bang is basically what caused everything, so it pretty much is the first thing that happened