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Q: Did pseudo stratified cilia ted columnar epithelium lines in the respiratory tract?
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All cells attached to the basement membrane but not all cells reach free surfaces is a description of what?

This describes the simple columnar epithelium tissue. In this tissue, all cells are attached to the basement membrane, but not all cells reach the free surface, as some may be buried below the apical surface of the tissue layer.

Has cilia to trap and remove mucus and dust particles?

The respiratory system has cilia lining the airways that sweep mucus and dust particles toward the throat to be swallowed or expelled. These cilia act as a filter to help protect the lungs from harmful substances.

What of the tissue types can expect to find goblet cells?

Goblet cells are typically found in the epithelial lining of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and conjunctiva of the eye. These cells secrete mucus to protect and lubricate these tissues.

What tissue lines most of the respiratory tract?

The tissue lining your inner nasal passages is made from ectoderm. However, the rest of the respiratory tract lining is made of endoderm.

Where is stereocilia located?

Stereocilia are located on the hair cells in the inner ear. They are found in the cochlea, a spiral-shaped structure that is responsible for detecting sound vibrations and converting them into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain.

Pseudo stratified ciliated columnar epithelium would be found?

right next to the libreezy...where you'll then go to a book shelf..get a book...then look for the right answer..cause i have no freakin clue yo. or if ur a nerd find it from ur brain stupid !@#holes

What is the name of the thick slippery substance that lines the esophagus?

pseudo-stratified ciliated

What is the function of ciliated epithelium?

Ciliated epithelium helps to move mucus, debris, and microorganisms in a coordinated manner across surfaces of the body. The cilia act like tiny hair-like structures that beat in a coordinated manner to facilitate movement.

Where would you find cell bodies of sensory neurons?

Cell bodies of sensory neurons are typically located in clusters called ganglia outside the central nervous system. For example, cell bodies of sensory neurons responsible for touch, pain, and temperature sensations are located in the dorsal root ganglia along the spinal cord.

How many layers make up the pseudostratfied epithelium?

Pseudostratified epithelium is a single layer of cells that appears stratified due to the varying heights of the cells' nuclei. Therefore, there is only one layer of cells in pseudostratified epithelium.

What is the crystal size when magma cools entirely underground?

Cooled slowly underground the pseudo crystals of columnar basalt, such as the Giants Causeway in Ireland may be in a metre size range.

Meaning of pseudo?

Pseudo means "Fake"