This is thermal radiation of the Sun.
Yes, the effect is due not to the Sun moving but to the Earth rotating and the speed of rotation of the Earth is constant.
Mostly gravity.
The Sun doesn't really go up and down. This is an APPARENT movement, caused by Earth's rotation around its axis.
Comets have their own orbits in our solar system around the sun. They don't come close to the earth.
The sun.
Directly or indirectly from the sun
if your talking about earth it is the third closest to the sun
the rotation of earth brings the sun closer to earth making it rise
The sun set
The Sun.
The sun is the source of most of the energy on Earth. Oceans come second.
The energy from the Sun is solar energy.
You will reach Mercury first if you leave Earth and travel towards the sun. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun in our solar system.
Most of the earth's light comes from the sun.
Earth rotation