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No, he did not. He did invent a way of killing the germs living in the milk though.

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1mo ago

Louis Pasteur did not invent milk, but he is credited with developing pasteurization, a process that involves heating liquids such as milk to kill pathogenic bacteria and extend its shelf life. His work revolutionized the safety of milk and other perishable goods.

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14y ago

I think he invented the pasteurization process

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Q: Did Louie Pasteur invented milk
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Who discovered pasteuried milk?

no one invented it it was discovered by louie pasteur

Who invented pasturisation?

Louis Pasteur is credited with inventing the pasteurization process in the 19th century. He demonstrated that heating beverages like milk and wine to specific temperatures could kill harmful bacteria and extend their shelf life. This process came to be known as pasteurization in honor of his work.

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It was Louis Pasteur who invented the process of pasteurization.

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Pasteur, who gave his name to the method of heating liquids to get them rid of bacterias.

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Louis PASTEUR created pasteurised milk. that's how pasteurised milk was called pastuerisd

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What is pasteuristation?

Pasteurization is a process that involves heating food, usually liquids like milk or juice, to a specific temperature for a set amount of time to kill pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and molds. This helps to make the food safer for consumption by reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses while preserving its quality and extending its shelf life.