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A glacier forms in a place where snow builds up year after year for a long time. The key thing is that the snow does not melt away in the summer. As the snow builds up over time, its own weight causes it to compress into ice. When the ice gets thick enough, it begins to flow under the influence of gravity. Glaciers can form only on relatively flat areas, or on slopes with less than 30 degrees of pitch in the mountains; too much steeper and the snow will avalanche instead of building up to a thickness that would form into ice.
by crystal
by crystal

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8y ago
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4mo ago

Glaciers form when snow accumulates over time, compressing into dense ice. This ice then begins to flow downhill under the force of gravity, creating a glacier. Over time, more snow accumulates at the top of the glacier, while ice melts or breaks off at the glacier's terminus, maintaining a dynamic balance.

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12y ago

In the process in making a snow ball natural forces compact snow to make a large mass of moving ice called a glacier

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Q: Describe the process by which glaciers form?
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How do glaciers make valleys?

Glaciers make valleys through a process called glaciation. As glaciers move, they carve, erode, and reshape the land underneath them, creating U-shaped valleys. The weight and pressure of the ice, along with the abrasion from the trapped rocks and debris in the ice, contribute to this process.

Can rivers and lakes be made from glaciers?

Yes, glaciers can create both rivers and lakes. When glaciers melt, they release water that can flow into rivers or accumulate in depressions to form lakes. This often occurs as part of the glacial melting process in areas where glaciers are present.

How are the glaciers of Antarctica different from valley glaciers?

They form a huge mass that covers the entire continent?

What are the different types of glaciers?

The main types of glaciers are valley glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, piedmont glaciers, outlet glaciers, and cirque glaciers. Valley glaciers form in mountain valleys, ice caps cover smaller areas, ice sheets are massive continental glaciers, piedmont glaciers form at the base of mountains, outlet glaciers are the streams of ice flowing out of ice caps or ice sheets, and cirque glaciers are located in bowl-shaped depressions on mountainsides.

Can canyons be formed by glaciers?

Yes, canyons can be formed by glaciers through a process called glaciation. As glaciers move and erode the land beneath them, they can carve out deep, steep-walled valleys that eventually form into canyons. This process can take thousands to millions of years to create the dramatic canyon landscapes we see today.

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Describe how a cirque form?

Valley glaciers melt and it make a U shaped profile (cirque) ~W

Do glaicers still form?

yes, but it takes over a hundred years for glaciers to form (its a very slow process)

What can continental glaciers form?

Glaciers can form U shaped valleys.

What is the process of becoming covered by glaciers called?

The process of becoming covered by glaciers is called glaciation.

What process forms and valleys?

Glaciers, mostly Glaciers Melting

Glaciers can only form when?

Glaciers can only form when snow accumulates over time and compacts into ice. This process requires a cold climate that allows the snow to persist without melting. Additionally, the weight of the ice must exceed the rate at which it melts or sublimates.

When can glaciers form?

Glaciers form when the rate of snow fall exceeds the rate of melting.

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What is Long narrow glaciers that form between mountains?

Valley Glaciers!

Is a glaciers a land form?


Why don't glaciers form in Australia?

because austrailia has warm weather and warm weather does not cause glaciers to form