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Q: Describe How knowledge of factors that affect the rates of reactions is used in industry?
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It is important to control chemical reactions in industry.

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The recruitment and selection of personnel in the printing industry is based on several factors. These include knowledge of the printing industry, personal reviews and judgments of the potential employee, and social skills of the potential employee.

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5 factors that can affect the rate of chemical reactions are temperature, pressure, concentration, stirring, catalysts.

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One of the major factors affecting tourism industry is that : ignorance and illeracy on the part of consumer.

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The economy is one of the factors of growth in the hotel industry. When the economy is good, there is more money for vacations, and hotel stays. Tourism and business travel are also factors of growth in the hotel industry.

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Kinetics is the branch of chemistry that deals with the rates of chemical reactions and the factors that influence these rates. It involves studying how fast reactions occur, the mechanisms by which reactions proceed, and the factors that affect the speed of reactions.

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The two factors that describe motion are speed (how fast an object is moving) and direction (the path along which an object is moving).

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Factors included a boom in the railroad industry, steel industry, and oil industry; and an increase in immigration and migration

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Following are the external factors that affect the textile industry of India: 1. Legal factors 2. Political factors. 3. Technology 4. Government Intervention

What are the factors affecting food industry?

factors increasing production of a product in industries