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4mo ago

Otoliths are densly packed mineral crystals that rest atop the maculae in the utricle and saccule of the inner ear. They play a crucial role in detecting linear acceleration and gravity, helping the brain with balance and spatial orientation.

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Q: Densly packed mineral crystals that sit atop the maculae?
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The hair cells of the utricle and saccule are clustered in?

The hair cells of the utricle and saccule are clustered in structures called maculae. These maculae are specialized sensory regions within the inner ear that detect changes in head position and linear acceleration. The hair cells within the maculae are essential for signaling information related to balance and spatial orientation to the brain.

Are rocks changed by metamorphism less dense?

No, rocks that undergo metamorphism can become more dense due to the rearrangement of mineral crystals and the recrystallization of minerals. This densification process can occur through the removal of pore spaces and the formation of more tightly packed mineral grains.

What are crystal form and cleavage?

Crystal form refers to the natural geometric shape of a mineral crystal, which is determined by its atomic structure. Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along distinct planes of weakness due to its internal atomic arrangement. Cleavage can be described in terms of the number of planes, angles between them, and the quality of the cleavage surface.

Are solid particles arranged in a pattern?

Particles tightley packed together do not change position PS trees

What is the difference between crystal and solid?

Crystals are a specific type of solid in which the atoms or molecules are arranged in a highly ordered repeating pattern. Solids, on the other hand, refer to a state of matter with a definite shape and volume, where particles are closely packed together. All crystals are solids, but not all solids are crystals.

Related questions

The hair cells of the utricle and saccule are clustered in?

The hair cells of the utricle and saccule are clustered in structures called maculae. These maculae are specialized sensory regions within the inner ear that detect changes in head position and linear acceleration. The hair cells within the maculae are essential for signaling information related to balance and spatial orientation to the brain.

Why does a solid have a definate shape?

Because, the atoms of solid very densly (closely) packed.

Why does a solid have a define shape?

Because, the atoms of solid very densly (closely) packed.

Where can you get packed mineral water in India?

in India you can't get packed mineral water

What adaptaions does the otter have?

One adaptaion is densly packed fur. It keeps them warm,. Another is webbed feet which helps them swim. (?)

Why the stone is hard?

Stones are hard because of their molecular structure, which consists of tightly packed mineral crystals. These crystals create a strong and rigid framework, giving the stone its hardness. Additionally, the composition of minerals within the stone can vary, influencing its level of hardness.

Patterns of particles packed together in a repeating order?

it is crystals

What has the author Charles Edgar Busch written?

Charles Edgar Busch has written: 'Potential energy models in close packed crystals' -- subject(s): Crystals

Explain the movement of particles in shiny black crystals of iodine?

the movement is minimum because the particles in a solid, in this case shiny crystals of iodine, are tightly packed and therefore can not move alot.

Are rocks changed by metamorphism less dense?

No, rocks that undergo metamorphism can become more dense due to the rearrangement of mineral crystals and the recrystallization of minerals. This densification process can occur through the removal of pore spaces and the formation of more tightly packed mineral grains.

What type of crystalline solid does xenon form?

Xenon forms a face-centered cubic crystal structure when in the solid state.

Can you use a paint sprayer for ashpalt sealer?

Yes you can. Be sure to clean it out well when the job is complete and leave the machine packed in mineral spirits.