Republicans during Madison's presidency who pressed for war with Britain.
The strongest opponents of the war hawks were the Peace Party and the Federalists. They believed that war was unnecessary and would harm the country's economy and international relations. The Federalists in particular feared that a war with Britain would be detrimental to American interests.
They are both gods of war.
the power of war
Ares realm of control is War.
Ares is the Greek god of War (Roman form: Mars) He is the son of Zeus and Hera, and half brother to Athena. In the legend, he is well known for having an affair with Aphrodite, wife of Hephaestus.
Hawks or "war hawks" are usually for going to war.
The leader of the War Hawks was Henry Clay
War hawks are belligerent.
their was a war with hawks
doves are anti-war and hawks are pro-war doves;hawks
War Hawks were typically from the South and West.
The war hawks are rattling their sabers again.
Hawks believed Vietnam was a crucial front in the Cold War
The War Hawks wanted war with England in the war of 1812.
Henry Clay is the Guiding spirit of the War Hawks
war hawks
The War Hawks