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The greater majority (around 98%) of all new born's are born with blue eyes.

You really can't tell because genes are pretty random

For the answer stated above, it is obviously only true for Caucasian infants of course. Almost all infants of African, Indian, or Asian decent would obviously be brown. But with regards to the original question, the answer depends on the genetics of the brown-eyed father. If he has two brown alleles, than most likely the baby will also have brown eyes. However, if the father has one brown allele and one blue allele (and thus phenotypically brown-eyed, as brown is dominant), it is certainly possible for the baby to have blue eyes (receiving one blue allele from the father, and one blue allele from the mother...if in fact the mother is blue-green hazel). Mendelian genetics, in this case, would approximate 25% of the babies to be born blue-eyed.

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13y ago
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1mo ago

Yes, it is possible for two parents with brown and hazel eyes to have a blue-eyed baby if both parents carry the recessive blue eye gene. Eye color is determined by multiple genes, so a variety of eye colors can be produced even if the parents' eye colors are different.

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12y ago

that's a lie they wouldn't be purple. they would be a diffrent color no one has purple eyes

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12y ago

Two blue eyes can only have blue eyes, a brown and blue can have blue, and a brown and brown can have blue, because blue is a recessive gene

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Q: Dad has brown eyes mom has hazel eyes can they have a blue eyed baby?
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Can a brown eyed and hazel eye make a hazel eyed baby?

They can and do.

Can brown eyes and blue eyes make a hazel eyed baby?

Yes, it happened with my dad. His dad had blue eyes and his mom has brown eyes and he ended up with hazel.

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Can brown eyed dad and hazel eyed mother make blue eyed baby?

Yes, absolutely. Hazel eyes is the combination of the blue and brown eye color gene. For instance, a blue eyed mother and brown eyed father could have a hazel eye colored child. So that means all hazel eyed children can have a brown eyed child because they carry the brown eyed gene in their DNA from their father, in this case.

Can a brown eyed dad and a blue eyed mom make a blue eyed baby?

yes, only 2 blue eyed people can only have a blue eyed baby, this will not change ever! where as 2 brown eyed people can also have a blue eyed baby, but for 2 blue eyed people to have a brown eyed baby is impossible!

Blue eyed mother and hazel eyed dad have hazel eyed baby?

This is possible, depending on the genes that manifest after conception and birth.

Can a brown haired brown eyed mom and a brown haired hazel eyed father have a blonde haired blue eyed baby?

it is possible if someone related to you has blue eyes or if someone has blonde hair but i wouldn't worry about it because if you have a brown hair baby it will still be pretty some of the most beautiful people in the world have brown hair and eyes.

Can a brown eyed mom and a brown eyed dad make a hazzle eyed baby?

because hazel is recessive, and brown is dominant. meaning that brown overrules hazel, but hazel is still there in at least one of the parents' genetic make up. then the hazel can show up later.

Can brown eyed man and a blue eyed woman have blue eyed baby?


Can two blue eye parents have a child with hazel eyes?

Two blue eyed parents cannot have a brown eyed baby. Since both parents carry the recessive gene (blue eyes) then there is no way that they can have a brown eyed baby. Hello, different person here. The said HAZEL eyes, not brown. :I Hello, original person here. I know what they said. Hazel is a shade of BROWN. 😒

What color eyes would a blue eyed man and a green eyed woman child have?

They would probably have a hazel eyed baby or more blueish eyed baby.

Can a blue eyed and brown eyed produce a green eyed baby?

Yes, I have a son that has green eyes. I have blue, his father has brown.