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Im pretty sure its the Osteoblast

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3mo ago

Osteoblasts are the cuboidal cells responsible for synthesizing the organic components of the bone matrix, including collagen and proteins. They play a key role in bone formation and repair by producing and mineralizing the organic matrix that serves as the framework for bone tissue.

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Q: Cuboidal cells that synthesize the organic components of the bone matrix are?
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What makes up the organic and inorganic portions of matrix?

The two major components of the matrix are ground substances and fibers. Fibers can be broken into the classes; collagen, elastic and reticular fibers.

What are the primary components of the extra cellular matrix?

red blood cell molocules

What is Osteoid tissue?

Osteoid tissue is an organic component of bone that forms before it gets mineralized into hard bone tissue. It consists mainly of collagen and provides a framework for mineral deposition, contributing to the strength and flexibility of bones.

How do you change heating matrix?

To change a heating matrix, start by disconnecting the power supply. Next, locate the matrix within the heating system and remove any surrounding coverings or components. Unscrew and detach the old heating matrix, then replace it with a new one by securing it in place and reconnecting any necessary components. Finally, restore the power supply and test the heating system to ensure it is functioning properly.

What is organic matrix?

A matrix organization is a structure that reflects the complexity of the modern business environment of multiple (often competing) priorities. In the past organizations often had a functional organization inside a particular geography - so the US Marketing manager for a product - say widgets, worked for the US marketing VP who reported to the US President. In a matrix, companies realize that there are different and sometimes competing priorities driven by function, geography, business unit, customer segment etc.. etc.. So that same US Marketing person today may have a reporting line to the Marketing functional head, to the Business line head for widgets, to the US geographic head for profit and loss etc… A matrix then is an orgnaization structure with multiple reporting lines. But the structure itself solves nothing, it just lays out the problem more clearly, I think that all the value of the matrix lies in the way people work together to resolve daily conflicts and trade-offs

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What cells synthesize the organic components of the bone matrix?


What is the name of cells that synthesize organic components of the bone matrix?


What are the three primary components of goals?

Organic resin matrix, Inorganic filler particles, coupling agent

What organic and mineral components of the bone matrix are continually being recycled and renewed through the process of?


What makes up the organic and inorganic portions of matrix?

The two major components of the matrix are ground substances and fibers. Fibers can be broken into the classes; collagen, elastic and reticular fibers.

How would increasing the proportion of organic molecules to inorganic components in the bony matrix affect the physical characteristics of bone?

Increasing the proportion of organic molecules in the bony matrix would likely make the bone more flexible and less brittle. This is because organic molecules provide elasticity and strength, while inorganic components like minerals provide hardness and rigidity. Balancing these components is important for maintaining the structural integrity of bone.

What are osteoblasts and osteocytes?

an osteocyte is a bone cellan osteoblast is specific to the building/production of new boneOsteocytes are mature bone cells that maintains the bone matrix. Osteoblasts are immature bone cells that secrete organic components of matrix.

The term osteoid refers to the organic part of the matrix of compact bones?

Yes. Osteoid is the organic bone matrix secreted by osteoblasts.

What two vitamins are needed for calcification process to synthesize bone matrix?

The two "vitamins" are A and C.

What is the breakdown of bone matrix?

The matrix of the bone is portion of specialized connective tissue composed of intercellular, is contain an organic and inorganic materials 1- The organic material: collagen ( type I) 2- The inorganic material: calcium phosphate

What are the parts of bone matrix?

The bone matrix is composed of two main components: organic (collagen fibers and proteins) and inorganic (mineral salts like calcium and phosphate). The organic components provide flexibility and tensile strength, while the inorganic components provide hardness and rigidity to the bone.

The organic portion of matrix is important in providing what?

The organic portion of matrix is important in providing tensile strength, ability to resist stretch, and flexibility. It is not important in providing hardness.