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No, water changing from liquid to vapor or gas would not be called a stream. A stream typically refers to a continuous flow of water running in a channel.

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Q: Could water that changes from a liquid to a vaper or gas be called a stream?
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What is a metaphor for stream?

A metaphor for a stream could be "a ribbon of liquid silver," emphasizing its flowing and reflective qualities.

What is it called when water flows down into a lake or stream?

It could be called runoff, feeder stream or source.

What is it called where a stream leaves a mountain range?

You could be describing either headwaters of a stream, or a waterfall.

What is the lowest Celsius degree could the liquid water reaches it?

Liquid water changes from a liquid to a solid at around 0oC.

What is the change of liquid to gas to liquid again called?

It could be part of a process called distillation.

How could you turn water vapor back into liquid and what is this called?

Its called condensation.

What ishot gas or liquid circulating is called?

Hot gas or liquid circulating is commonly referred to as fluid circulation. This process is utilized in various systems and equipment to transfer heat or carry out other functions in a closed loop system.

What is the name of small river?

brook / rivulet / stream brook / rivulet / stream

What is it called when chemist evaporate the water to a gas and change it back to a liquid?

It could be part of a process called distillation.

A is a stream of water that flows onto an ocean lake or another stream?

In some rare cases a river could flow into the ground and dry up completely at the Small rivers may be called by several other names, including stream, creek.

What is difference between a stream and river?

The difference between a river and a stream is the name applied to it by local residents, and relative size. In the same region, something called a river is usually larger than something called a stream. However, something that is called a river in one place could be the same size as something called a stream in another place.

How could a stream change a mountain?

It erodes away the part of the mountain that the stream is on.