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It is possible that a nerve is being pinched somehow; thereby causing pain in the arm and fingers.

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9mo ago

It is unlikely that an extra cervical vertebrae would directly cause pain in the right forearm and fingers. Pain in the forearm and fingers is more commonly related to issues in the nerves or muscles in the arm, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or a pinched nerve in the neck or wrist. It would be best to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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Q: Could an extra cervical vertebrae cause pain in the right forearm and fingers?
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What would be affected if your C7 was damaged?

Damage to the C7 vertebrae could affect sensation and movement in the arms, hands, and fingers, as well as control of the muscles in the shoulder area. It could also potentially impact fine motor skills and grip strength in the hands. Additionally, damage to the C7 vertebrae may cause pain, weakness, or tingling in these areas.

What is An example of a site of a burn?

An example of a site of a burn could be the forearm or hand from accidentally touching a hot surface.

Why are your fingers white?

My fingers may appear white if blood flow is restricted for some reason, such as exposure to cold temperatures or poor circulation. It could also be due to a condition like Raynaud's disease, which causes blood vessels to constrict in response to stress or cold. If you are concerned about the color of your fingers, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Can you break your fingers by snapping?

No, snapping your fingers does not have enough force to break your fingers. The sound produced when snapping is caused by the friction of your finger against your thumb, not by any physical force that could break your bones.

You found a whale vertebrae on the beach what can you tell about the whale in which the vertebrae was once in?

Based on the size and shape of the vertebrae, you can determine the size of the whale species it belonged to. The vertebrae can also provide information about the age of the whale and its general health when alive. Additional analysis could reveal more specific details about the species and potential cause of death.

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Does neck and shoulder pain cause the pinky and ring fingers to be sore?

If you have low neck problems, some of your lower cervical vertebrae could be mal-aligned, which can lead to pain or numbness in your 3rd, 4th and 5th fingers. Suggest going to a chiropractor

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I think there's a mistake somewhere in the Thoracic vertebrae, where you stated 17. Adding the total vertebrae above gives a total of 49, whereas it was stated that the total vertebrae of chicken is 39!. Could that be a typographical error in the computation of thoracic vertebrae of chicken?

What does left arm numbness and tingling in the left fingers also pain in the upper back between shoulder blade indicate?

This is a symptom of many different things. Could be as simple as a pinched nerve, or as serious as a stroke. Because you mention the pain in the right shoulder, right below or around the shoulder blade, this could be a symptom of a herniated nucleos pulposus, (HNP) Herniated disk in your cervical vertebrae. Depending on where the numbness and tingling radiates to in your fingers, is it into your thumb and index finger or does it include the the pinky finger? Make an appointment with your doc and ask for a Cervical MRI, you may find you have a C6-C7 herniation.

What is second vertebrae called?

The name of the second vertebrae is called the axis.

What is a uncovertebral joint?

The uncovertebral joint is also known as the Luschka's joint. These are bone spurs that occur when the third through seventh cervical vertebrae meet.

What would be affected if your C7 was damaged?

Damage to the C7 vertebrae could affect sensation and movement in the arms, hands, and fingers, as well as control of the muscles in the shoulder area. It could also potentially impact fine motor skills and grip strength in the hands. Additionally, damage to the C7 vertebrae may cause pain, weakness, or tingling in these areas.

Can a doctor use his fingers to test for pregnancy after 3 days?

No there is no way to test using your fingers you can how ever tell if you are ovulating or not by using your fingers by checking the cervical mucus and the position of the cervix if it is low and firm like the tip of your nose then you are not ovulating if it is high and closed then you could be ovulating if it is high and closed it can mean you are pregnant but it is still better to take a test to be sure it could be closed because the cervix is getting ready to lower and start your period.

What causes intense pain in fingers-not carpal tunnel syndrome?

If the pain is in your pinky and ring fingers, it could indicate a disk herniation in the cervical spine. Most people don't realize that the cervical (neck) nerves control our arms and fingers, and nerve compression there is felt in the arm and / or fingers. If you've ever had a whiplash occurrence, you're more susceptible to this problem. The disks involved are usually the C5/6 or C6/7 disks. You might even feel some pain in your shoulder. Getting it corrected cannot be overstated - without proper diagnosis and treatment, eventual paralysis can set in, or nerve damage as well. The best person to see for this is a Neurosurgeon - they can easily tell if your problem is cervical disk related. So you understand how easy it is for this to be misdiagnosed, my own cervical disks were severely damaged and the pain in my arm and fingers was excruciating. I was misdiagnosed by 5 doctors before a Neurosurgeon, without any tests, looked at me for about 5 seconds and knew what the problem was.

Can you get pain in your elbow with carpal tunnel?

Not usually, you can sometimes get "retrograde" symptoms that go up the forearm from the wrist from CTS. However, you may have elbow pathology..something like lateral or medial epicondylitis (tennis/golfers elbow) or you could have ulnar neuritis or cubital tunnel syndrome. This ulnar nerve passes through the elbow joint and can give you symptoms at the elbow and DOWN the forearm into the hand(4th and 5th fingers) where as CTS effects the first 2-3 fingers typically.

Where would you place your hands to manually stabilize a cervical spine?

To manually stabilize a cervical spine, place one hand on each side of the patient's head, with your fingers supporting the jaw and your thumbs resting on the occiput (base of the skull). Hold the head in a neutral position to prevent movement that could potentially worsen a neck injury.

Your ct myelogram shows c6-c7 a broad based central disc protrusion causing some cavity anterior thecal sac and does not appear to laterlize on either side could this cause you to stumble walking some?

Not unless you're dizzy. This is likely from the post procedure Radiologist's report. What it says is that the CT scan after dye injection and shaking you on the table like a martini (or just rotating you up and down a bit) shows that you have a mild disk bulge at your C6/7 disk (the disk between Cervical (neck) vertebrae 6 and 7, which are fairly low down the neck) doesn't appear to be bulging on the sides (laterally) which could press on a nerve. Your cervical disks do not affect your walking at all - the cervical area controls and affects your arms, hands, fingers and associated nerves. The legs are controlled by the lumbar area, mid point of the back to the tailbone. UNLESS the cervical cord is impinged enough to be damaged. Then symptoms can occur anywhere below the level of spinal cord damage.

Do people have different numbers of vertebrae?

No, most people have 33 vertebrae: 7 cervical (neck), 12 thoracic (upper back), 5 lumbar (lower back), 5 sacral (fused into one sacrum bone), and 4 coccygeal (fused into one coccyx bone). However, some individuals may have variations due to congenital abnormalities or genetic conditions.