Because hydro means water so how come that hydra can breath fire.
The scientific name for hydra is Hydra vulgaris.
In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a multi-headed serpent-like monster that terrorized the swamps near the ancient city of Lerna. It was known for its ability to regrow two heads for every one that was cut off, making it a formidable opponent for heroes like Hercules.
Hydra is an animal. Animals never have chloroplasts
The main difference between Hydra 10 and Hydra 20 is their capacity. Hydra 10 has a capacity for 10 gallons, while Hydra 20 has a capacity for 20 gallons. This means Hydra 20 can filter a larger volume of water compared to Hydra 10.
A dragon's fire cannot be caused by respiration because typical respiratory processes in animals do not produce enough energy to generate fire. Instead, a dragon's ability to breathe out fire is often attributed to a magical or fantastical element in the creature's physiology or abilities.
Yes and no. The hydra has multiple heads, as you may or may not know. Only the middle hydra head can breathe fire. Also, when you cut off one hydra head, two more grow back in its place. So if someone keeps cutting off the middle head, they will keep doubling the number of fire-breathing hydra heads.
yes it could breath fire and fireballs go to google images search " hydra breathing fire " if you think I'm wrong
Yes you can breathe on fire.
all of them!
Fire is the Hydra's weakness.
fire can not breathe because it's not human so if you think fire could breathe yo got it wrong fire can't
Through their nostrils.
No, they breathe fire through their mouth.
No. Nothing can breathe fire.
Platypuses do not breathe fire. They are normal, air-breathing mammals.
How do fire breathing dragons breath fire?