Only if adequate water is located. Of course it may have been your ancestors first home.
Mars has extreme conditions with no breathable air or liquid water, making it unsuitable for human habitation without significant technological advancements. While missions to study Mars and potentially establish a human presence are being planned, it is currently not a feasible second home for humans.
No. Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system. Saturn is the second largest.
The second closest planet to Mars is Earth. After Earth, the next closest planet to Mars is Jupiter.
Mars travels about 15 miles in one second in its orbit.
Planet Mars orbits the sun at an average velocity of 14.96 miles per second.
The Red Planet
no mars is fourth farthest, venus is second
The Second Invasion from Mars was created in 1968.
No. Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system. Saturn is the second largest.
The Exaphes quickly established a new home on Mars.
The second closest planet to Mars is Earth. After Earth, the next closest planet to Mars is Jupiter.
This planet has found to perhaps have water, which in turn can support life. Water is not the only thing required to support life and also there has been water found on mars but it is frozen the main reason is because its the closest planet and there have been theories that mars once had a collision with Earth therefor it might be possible it could create a atmosphere
The ISBN of The Second Invasion from Mars is 0-02-615200-2.
the problem is getting home
Mars travels about 15 miles in one second in its orbit.
No, Mars is the second smallest plant in our solar system which means it has a gravitational pull less than that of Earth (an other planets), which means you could have a smaller parachute for Mars than of Earth.
Mars is the forth planet. Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and then Mars
No, Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, followed by Venus.