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Q: Contains low density minerals such as quartz?
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What minerals does quarzite have?

Quartz - the term quartzite is applied to to low grade metamorphic rocks formed predomiently of quartz, mostly they are altered sandstones. Alog with the quartz there may be low abundances of many different minerals e.g. mica, or feldspar.

What type of rock is phylite?

Phyllite is a low-grade metamorphic rock that forms from the metamorphism of slate. It contains fine-grained minerals such as muscovite, chlorite, and quartz, giving it a distinct sheen from the alignment of its platy minerals.

Is quartz mafic?

No, quartz is not mafic. Mafic minerals are rich in magnesium and iron, while quartz is a silicate mineral composed of silicon and oxygen. Quartz is classified as a felsic mineral due to its composition and low mafic content.

What planet has low density because it contains of iron and helium?

The planet with the lowest overall density is Saturn.

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Why does gabbro have a higher chemical weathering rate than granite?

Gabbro has higher amounts of iron and magnesium minerals compared to granite, which are more susceptible to chemical weathering. These minerals are more chemically reactive and break down more easily when exposed to water and oxygen, leading to a higher chemical weathering rate in gabbro compared to granite.

Which layer of the Sun's atmosphere contains the cooler low-density gas?

The photosphere.

Which minerals crystallize out of ground water that has been heated by magma?

Minerals such as quartz, calcite, and pyrite can crystallize out of ground water that has been heated by magma. These minerals form as the water cools and the dissolved minerals in the water precipitate out and form solid crystals.

Do minerals float on water?

Most minerals are denser than water, so they will sink rather than float. However, some minerals like pumice have a low enough density to float on water.

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Which mineral float in water?

Some minerals that can float in water include pumice, zeolite, and perlite due to their low density. These minerals have air pockets or low specific gravity, allowing them to float on the surface of water.

What is the density of felsic rocks?

The density of felsic rocks typically ranges from 2.6 to 2.8 g/cm3.