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Q: Condolence is related to Loss in the same way as Congratulation is related to?
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Is the etiquette the same for an obituary when writing a condolence letter?

no it is way different

How do you say Congratulations in Hindi?

In Hindi, you can say "बधाई हो" which is transliterated as "badhai ho" to express congratulations.

Why would power loss light come on in 1986 Chrysler LeBaron?

That is the same as the check engine light. See related questions below.

What is thermal dynamic loss?

Thermodynamic loss is about the same as saying 'cooling down'.

What is a job loss?

job loss is when you lose your job or get fired same thing.

Wear is related to cloth in same way buckle is related to.?

Wear is related to cloth in same way as a buckle is related to a belt.

Is weight loss is the same as gastroenterology?

No, but they can overlap.

Is dizziness the same as loss of balance?

not nessessarily

Why iron loss is constant but copper loss is variable in a transformer?

Iron loss it includes the core loss is partically the same at all loads and copper loss the value of cu loss is found from short circuit test

What is the formula for calculating loss?

You calculate loss the same as you would do profit income minus expenses (outgoings) = profit/loss If the answer is negative then you are making a loss, if the answer is positive then you are making a profit.

Are gyltas and gyltendum the same word or related words?

They are related.

What animals are related to a chipmunk?

A squirrel is related to a chipmunk because they both mostly eat the same have the same habitat and mostly same look the same.