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I'm not at all sure that I understand the intent of your question, but I will give it a shot. When you decide that your question actually "became" your question can be very significant, even if it seems counter-intuitive. If you are talking about statistics, or statistical analysis, your final decision to either reject or accept the "Null Hypothesis" can very much hinge on exactly what your question was, and even on when it was established as your question. Explaining the details far exceeds the scope of this answer, but some statistical study will bring some important things to light. In brief, I can suggest this: You may be sure that 2 experimental groups will produce different results, but you are not at all sure which result will be "greater". The way that you set up your assumptions about cut-off points (how much difference can I confidently say really is a difference) will be different from the way you will set things up if you are sure you know the direction of the difference before the experiment is done. It would be unethical to wait until the results are in and then decide what question I can ask in order for the results to confirm my question.

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1mo ago

In horary Astrology, the moment when the question fully forms in your mind is crucial because it is believed to set the chart for interpreting the answer. If you're uncertain about when the question occurred, it's best to go with the moment when it was fully realized or committed to being asked for the most accurate interpretation. Your intention to convert it into a question can be a good reference point if the actual moment is unclear.

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Q: Concerning a horary question a question pops in your mind but you're not sure when it occured does it matter if you decide to use as the moment when you had the intention of converting it to a questio?
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