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Light received by an observer is affected if the observer or the source are moving towards or away from one another. This is the Doppler Effect.

This is sort of like a race car.

As it's approaching you, its noise sounds higher in pitch, and lower in pitch as it's moving away from you.

Light waves - just like sound waves - are affected by relative movement between the observer and source.

When the observer is moving away from the light source, the light is shifted to the red end of the light spectrum. The light waves are "stretched". There is further between the peaks of the wave.

So, the wavelength increases. That means a shift from blue to red in the spectrum.

By convention, the shift towards longer wavelengths is called a redshift.

In fact, red light could be shifted to infrared.

"Redshift" just means a change in the observed light towards longer wavelengths.

When the observer is moving towards the light source, th light shifts to the blue end of the light spectrum. We call that a blueshift.

Redshifts can also be caused by the effect of gravity.


Redshift by gravity is F =mGM/r2= vp/r

vp/r=vp/ct=(v/c)p/t = (v/c)mv/t = (v/c)ma.

Gravity creates the velocity v and v/c is the "redshift" due to gravity v and not due to universe expansion of the recession of the body. The redshift of the earth is v/c = 30k/300M = 1/10k.

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Rhett Strosin

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2y ago
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4mo ago

Blue shift and red shift are both phenomena that describe the change in the wavelengths of light as an object moves either towards (blue shift) or away (red shift) from an observer. They both provide important information about the motion and velocity of celestial objects.

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16y ago

Red shift and blue shift refer to the change in the frequency of light when an object shifts away (red) from and towards (blue) the center of potential energy. Red shift and blue shifts show up in light spectra patterns from objects.

There are two kinds of shifts, gravitational and electric due to the gravitational ( -GmM/r) and electrical potential energy (-e^2/4pi r). The shift is measured by the cos(x) of the angle between the radius of the potential center and the velocity of the object with respect to the center. If the angle is 90 degrees there is no shift or the shift is zero, cos90=0.

If the angle is less than 90 degrees the shift is red and the object is moving away from the center. If the angle is greater than 90 degrees the shift is blue and the object is moving towards the center. At 0 degrees the object is radially moving away from the center and at 180 degrees the object is radially moving towards the center. At 90 degrees the object is moving transverse to the center.

The redshift is the ratio of the 'speed v' of the object to the 'speed c' of light and is designated by z=v/c = cos(x). The gravitational redshift is z=v/c=sqrt(GM/rc^2). The electrical redshift is z=v/c=e^2z/2nh = 7.2e-3/n = alpha/n = Fine Structure Constant.

The redshift indicates that the direction of the object velocity is away from the center, it indicates the object is in equilibrium between the centripetal force and the centrifugal force. The redshift is mis-understood by scientists thinking it indicates an expanding Universe.

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12y ago

A red shift tell us that a object is moving away, while a blue shift tells us an object is moving toward us.

Light that has been 'red shifted' has a longer wavelength when it reaches our eyes/telescopes/etc. than it had when it left the object. Light that has been 'blue shifted' now has a shorter wavelength.

The reason stretching the wavelength is known as 'red shifting' is that, in the visible spectrum, red light has the longest wavelength. Blue light has a much shorter wavelength than red so when the wavelength is compressed, we call it blue shifting.

All light can be red/blue shifted to a new wavelength (it doesn't matter on the original color). For instance green light can be red-shifted to yellow light, yellow light can be red-shifted to orange light, orange to red, and red to infra-red (which human eyes can't see).

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15y ago

These terms and conventions ("blue" = compaction, while "red"= diffusing) are used even when referring to signals outside the optical range (for instance, radio waves, x-rays and gamma rays). blue is going in, red going out. blueshift has blue tinge, redshift has red tinge

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12y ago

A red shift tell us that a object is moving away, while a blue shift tells us an object is moving toward us.

A red shift has a shorter wave length then a blue shift as the red shift is from the red part of the electromagnetic spectrum and vice versa for blue. (blue shift is from the blue (violet) part of the electromagnetic spectrum)

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11y ago

It is a change in the wavelength of light (or other electromagnetic radiation)emitted by a source.

A redshift means the wavelength is increased and a blueshift is when the wavelength shortens. (Red light has a longer wavelength than blue light.)

The 3 causes of these effects are:

1) The Doppler effect. Light waves are "bunched together" when an object is getting closer (blueshift) and "spread out" when the object is getting further away (redshift).

2) The expansion of space ( the "cosmological redshift"). This is often confused with the Doppler effect. In this case the expansion of space "stretches" the waves.

3) Gravitational fields can cause a redshift (or a blueshift).

The Doppler effect is probably the best known example for most people, because it works with sound waves too (in a slightly different way).

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13y ago

Cosmic redshift is a cosmological phenominon created when a distant object in our universe is speeding away. This is seen because the Universe is expanding. As the object races away the light waves stretch, making them longer in the spectrum, and the longest wavelength is red. This effect can be seen on earth with a car but our vision is far too weak to see such small fluctuations. Cosmic blue shift is the opposite, if and object were to be speeding towards us extremely fast it would squish the lightwaves, making them seem blue.

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11y ago

Answer 1:

-- "Red shift" means that the light you observe has longer wavelength than it had

when it left the source. This is the case when a star or galaxy is receding from us.

-- "Blue shift" means that the light you observe has shorter wavelength than it had

when it left the source. This is the case when a star or galaxy is approaching us.

Answer 2:

Their color.

Answer 3:

There need not be any difference. Two shifts may be identical in size, fabric,

and comfort, even if their colors are not identical.

Answer 4:

Redshift indicates the light is emanating from a attractive center Del.cP <0 Divergence , e.g. gravity field or attractive field of an atom. A Blue shift indicates light is entering an repulsive center, Del.cP >0 Convergence..

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11y ago

A red shift shows us that a object is moving away, while a blue shift shows us an object is moving toward us. Light that has been 'red shifted' has a longer wavelength when it reaches our eyes/telescopes/etc. than it had when it left the object. Light that has been 'blue shifted' now has a shorter wavelength.

The reason stretching the wavelength is known as 'red shifting' is that, in the visible spectrum, red light has the longest wavelength.

Blue light has a much shorter wavelength than red so when the wavelength is compressed, we call it blue shifting.

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Can a red shift and a blue shift exist on the same object at the same time?

No, red shift and blue shift are opposite phenomena caused by the Doppler effect. Red shift occurs when an object is moving away from the observer, while blue shift occurs when an object is moving towards the observer. It is not possible for an object to exhibit both red shift and blue shift simultaneously.

What is the opposite of the red shift?

The opposite of red shift is blue shift. Blue shift occurs when an object is moving towards an observer, causing a shift of light towards the blue end of the spectrum due to Doppler effect.

Can red shift and blue shift exist on the same object at the same time?

No, red shift and blue shift cannot exist on the same object at the same time. Red shift is the phenomenon where spectral lines are shifted towards longer wavelengths (lower energies), indicating the object is moving away, while blue shift is the opposite, where lines are shifted towards shorter wavelengths (higher energies) indicating movement towards us.

How are Doppler blue and red shift different?

A blue shift is observed in the spectrum from an object approaching the observer whereas a red shift is observed for a receding object.

How does blue and red shift help us understand the changes of the universe?

Red shift has confirmed the expansion of universe. Both red and blue shift at the edges of the sun has confirmed the spin of sun..

Is there any cheats for superstar racing?

Yes there are ... you see when you pres shift+6 and shift+r u can whrite red letters its the same with blue u just go shift+b :)

What shift of color do you receive from stars as you get closer?

Blue shift as you get closer because by the Doppler effect, the frequency of the light increases, so the light seems more blue. Using the same logic, there is a red shift for light as you move away from stars.

How is the red shift different than the blue shift?

Radiation from a source moving away from the observer is red-shifted. Radiation from a source moving towards the observer is blue-shifted.

Why are red shift and blue shift effects useful in the study of the universe?

Red shift means that other objects in the universe are moving away and blue shift means they are moving toward you. This helps to tell where these objects came from, and this knowledge helps predict where they are going to.

Can there be purple shift aswell as blue shift and red shift?

No, there is no such thing as a purple shift in the context of Doppler shifts. Doppler shifts result in either a red shift (wavelength increases) or a blue shift (wavelength decreases) depending on the relative motion between the source and observer. Purple is a mix of blue and red, so it encompasses both shifts, but it isn't considered a distinct shift on its own.

How does a red shift from a blue shift?

A red shift shows us that a object is moving away, while a blue shift shows us an object is moving toward us. Light that has been 'red shifted' has a longer wavelength when it reaches our eyes/telescopes/etc. than it had when it left the object. Light that has been 'blue shifted' now has a shorter wavelength. The reason stretching the wavelength is known as 'red shifting' is that, in the visible spectrum, red light has the longest wavelength. Blue light has a much shorter wavelength than red so when the wavelength is compressed, we call it blue shifting.

What did hubble discover as a result of studying red shift of distant galaxies?

that the universe was in 1904 expanding. this was due to the lack of blue shift, therefor it can be deduced that the red shift in orrcuring within the galaxy.