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With a physical reaction, some of the substance changes, but the stubstance is still the same. A chemical reaction on the other hand, is hard to reverse.

Physical: freezing of water, drying of clothes, mixing of iorn nails and sand

Chemical: cooking of food

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3mo ago
  1. Cooking of food: Chemical change (due to the change in chemical composition of the food).
  2. Freezing of water: Physical change (state change from liquid to solid).
  3. Drying of clothes: Physical change (removal of water through evaporation).
  4. Mixing of iron nails and sand: Physical change (no new substances are formed, just a mixture of the two substances).
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Q: Classify the following as a chemical and physical changes 1cooking of food 2.freezing of water 3.drying of clothes 4.mixing of iron nails and sand?
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