They synthesize glucose using solar energy. Glucose is neeeded for respiration
Solar panels can be compared to chloroplasts because they both capture energy from the sun and convert it into usable forms – chloroplasts convert sunlight into glucose through photosynthesis for the plant, while solar panels convert sunlight into electricity for human use.
Chloroplasts require sunlight to perform photosynthesis and produce glucose. Without light, the chloroplasts cannot convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose. Therefore, at night when there is no sunlight, chloroplasts are unable to make glucose.
Chloroplasts are the organelles that use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates through the process of photosynthesis. This process involves capturing light energy and using it to drive the synthesis of glucose and other organic compounds.
Photosynthesis is considered a direct use of solar energy because it involves the conversion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose. This process utilizes sunlight as the primary energy source to drive the synthesis of organic compounds in plants.
Solar Cells and chloroplasts are similar by absorbing the energy of the sun. Then it changes into energy, which powers the house electricity.A chloroplast is a miniature "solar collector," transforming light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis. The green color of the disks is due to the presence of a pigment called chlorophyll that reacts with light.they both make plants liveso that people know hoe solar energy has been used.
Solar panels can be compared to chloroplasts because they both capture energy from the sun and convert it into usable forms – chloroplasts convert sunlight into glucose through photosynthesis for the plant, while solar panels convert sunlight into electricity for human use.
Chloroplasts require sunlight to perform photosynthesis and produce glucose. Without light, the chloroplasts cannot convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose. Therefore, at night when there is no sunlight, chloroplasts are unable to make glucose.
Chloroplasts are the organelles that convert solar energy into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. This process involves capturing sunlight and transforming it into glucose, a form of chemical energy that the plant can use for growth and metabolism.
Chloroplasts are the organelles that use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates through the process of photosynthesis. This process involves capturing light energy and using it to drive the synthesis of glucose and other organic compounds.
Photosynthesis is considered a direct use of solar energy because it involves the conversion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose. This process utilizes sunlight as the primary energy source to drive the synthesis of organic compounds in plants.
solar energy
Solar Cells and chloroplasts are similar by absorbing the energy of the sun. Then it changes into energy, which powers the house electricity.A chloroplast is a miniature "solar collector," transforming light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis. The green color of the disks is due to the presence of a pigment called chlorophyll that reacts with light.they both make plants liveso that people know hoe solar energy has been used.
Solar panels are similar to the function of chloroplasts in plants. They both capture energy from the sun and convert it into a usable form - chloroplasts convert sunlight into chemical energy for the plant, while solar panels convert sunlight into electricity for human use.
Chloroplasts and mitochondria are two organelles involved in photosynthesis. Chloroplasts are the main site where photosynthesis occurs, while mitochondria are responsible for producing energy from the products of photosynthesis.
During photosynthesis, solar energy is converted into chemical energy in the form of glucose (sugar) in the chloroplasts of plant cells. This process involves the use of water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to produce glucose and oxygen as byproducts.
why is it important to use solar energy in Pakistan
No, mitochondria are not photoreactive. It is the chlorophyll in chloroplasts that allows them to use light energy. Mitochondria do not have anything in them to do this. Instead, they make energy by breaking apart glucose.They use light energy indirectly.They use glucose as the fuel. Glucose contain energy from sun light