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Yes because the total load is only 18 amps. It would be more usual to allow three 9-amp circuits on a 20-amp breaker because the total current would probably not exceed 20 amps at any one time.

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11y ago


Your house is supplied with two "phases" of 120v, and they're on separate wires with a neutral in between. For ease of explanation, we'll call one hot wire the X wire and the other hot wire the Y wire. It's 120v between X and neutral, and 120v between Y and neutral. But if you connect the X wire and the Y wire to your item and forget about the neutral, you get 220v. (This is how a water heater is connected.)

If one 120v circuit is fed by the X wire and the other by the Y wire, and you use 10-2 wire (12-2 is for 20-amp service; you'll burn the house down running 30a through 12-gauge wire) and a 30-amp double-pole breaker, you'll have a perfectly good 30a 220v circuit. If both circuits are fed from X or both from Y, you won't get any voltage because there's no potential difference between the two hot lines.

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14y ago

No. This is due to the configuration of the distribution panel. Every breaker to neutral bar is 120 volts. To obtain 240 volts the breaker has to span two of these adjacent breaker spaces. To accomplish what you want will take three spaces. One for the 30 amp 120 volt and two spaces for the 30 amp 240 volt circuit.

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15y ago

No. It would not be safe because it would interrupt only one phase.

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13y ago

No, You will need to run an extra set of wires.

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Q: Can you use two separate 120 volt circuits to make 240 volt power and run 30 amps through the circuit they are both wired with 12-2 wire?
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How do you wire dedicated circuits and test for that?

To wire dedicated circuits, you need to route a separate cable from the electrical panel to the specific outlet or appliance you want to power. You then connect the cable to a dedicated circuit breaker in the electrical panel. To test if the circuit is dedicated, turn off the breaker and check if the outlet or appliance loses power. If other devices also lose power, then the circuit is not dedicated.

What are dual electrical circuits?

Dual electrical circuits refer to a system or setup where there are two separate and independent electrical circuits operating in parallel. This is commonly used in residential and commercial buildings to provide redundancy and ensure reliable power supply. Each circuit functions independently, allowing for distribution of electrical load and minimizing the risk of total power loss in case of a failure in one circuit.

What kind of circuit can electricity travel in?

Electricity can travel in both closed circuits and open circuits. In closed circuits, there is a complete loop for the electricity to flow through, allowing devices to receive power. Open circuits, on the other hand, have a gap that interrupts the flow of electricity.

What are some different types of electrical circuits?

There are series circuits, parallel circuits, and combination circuits. Series circuits have components connected in a single path, where current flows through each component. Parallel circuits have components connected across multiple paths, allowing current to travel through different branches. Combination circuits are a mix of series and parallel circuits, offering flexibility in designing complex electrical systems.

What are two common ways to wire and electric circuit?

Two common ways to wire an electric circuit are in series, where the components are connected one after another in a single pathway for the current to flow through, and in parallel, where the components are connected in separate branches to the power source, allowing the current to flow through multiple paths simultaneously.

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Gate circuits should be isolated from the main power circuit to avoid any damage to the power circuit if gate is damaged.

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No, not all circuits contain electricity. A circuit is simply a closed loop through which electricity can flow. Electricity will only flow through a circuit if there is a power source, such as a battery or wall outlet, providing the electrical energy.

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the purpoes of powersupply in the circuit is to pass electricity through the circuits.the circuit created to serve the different purpose and the power supply complete the purpose of the circuit.

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How do you wire dedicated circuits and test for that?

To wire dedicated circuits, you need to route a separate cable from the electrical panel to the specific outlet or appliance you want to power. You then connect the cable to a dedicated circuit breaker in the electrical panel. To test if the circuit is dedicated, turn off the breaker and check if the outlet or appliance loses power. If other devices also lose power, then the circuit is not dedicated.

What are dual electrical circuits?

Dual electrical circuits refer to a system or setup where there are two separate and independent electrical circuits operating in parallel. This is commonly used in residential and commercial buildings to provide redundancy and ensure reliable power supply. Each circuit functions independently, allowing for distribution of electrical load and minimizing the risk of total power loss in case of a failure in one circuit.

What are reciprocal circuit elements?

Reciprocal circuit elements are those elements/circuits in which power loss/gain is same at both nodes/ends.In these types of circuits we can check the circuit or connect it in any way.

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What is the difference between parallel and series?

If you are referring to an electrical circuit, a series circuit is wired in such a way that if one object is removed from the circuit, the circuit is broken and everything within the circuit loses power. In a parallel circuit different components of the circuit can be removed without disabling power to the rest of the devices within the circuit.

Why do electric circuits have to be complete?

if they're not then the circuit will not work and it won't be able to power wat u want it to power for example a will be an open circuit