

Can you touch stingrays

Updated: 5/22/2024
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12y ago

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you shouldn't without a person who knows what there doing, but i have done it before

only if they cut of the ends of the tails cuz they killed Steve Irwin with the tail so yah

the tails don't need to be cut off. you just need to have proper supervision and only touch the wings.

Even if you know what you are doing you shouldn't handle them unless it is absolutely necessary, Rays, Sharks and fish have a protective mucilaginous coating that provides protection from things such as parasites, fungal infection and the sun. When you touch them you wipe off the mucilage and so to the protection. If animals are regularly touched (such as approachable resident fish in popular dive sites) they are more prone to infection and sunburn. If you snorkel or Scuba dive and you happen to see a tame fish with white scar-looking lines this is the reason

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1mo ago

It is generally not recommended to touch stingrays in their natural habitat, as they may feel threatened and may sting in self-defense. If you are in a controlled environment such as an aquarium, it may be possible to touch a stingray under supervision from trained staff.

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What senses do stingrays have?

Stingrays have well-developed senses of touch, taste, and electroreception. They can detect changes in water pressure and vibrations through specialized sensory organs on their bodies known as ampullae of Lorenzini. Their eyesight is relatively poor, and they rely more on their other senses to navigate and find food.

Where can people touch and feed stingrays?

Try a local zoo or aquarium.

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The collective noun for 'stingrays' is a fever of stingrays.

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Crabs are scavengers; they will eat stingrays if the stingrays are already dead.

How do stingrays breed?

Stingrays reproduce through internal fertilization. The male uses claspers to insert sperm into the female's reproductive tract. The female then carries the fertilized eggs in her body until they are ready to be born.

Cool facts about stingrays?

Stingrays are flat-bodied fish with a distinctive whip-like tail and gill slits on their underside. They have electroreceptors that help them detect prey buried in the sand. Some species can weigh up to 790 kg and have wingspans of over 7 feet. Stingrays are usually docile, but they can use their barbed tail spine for defense if threatened.

How do stingrays bite?

stingrays do not bite they have a stinger in the tale

Are there stingrays in Louisiana?

Are there stingrays in Louisiana? In the gulf of Mexico

Are stingrays vertabrates?

No,stingrays are NOT vertebrates.They have cartilage,not bones.

What parts of stingrays can you eat?

stingrays that aren't poisnous

Where are stingrays' habitat?

the stingrays habitat is on the coastal tropical area