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Rose water has a distinct flavor and aroma that regular water does not have. While you can substitute regular water for rose water in a recipe if you don't have any, keep in mind that the flavor profile will be different without the floral notes that rose water imparts.

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Q: Can you substitute regular water for rose water?
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Can a rose last in salt water or regular water?

Depends how salty the water is

What is the substitute for the water?

What I have learned, several substitutions for rose water are: orange flowers water, or rose syrup ( use just a few drops). Almond x tract, or vanilla xtract. Use less of these substitutes, and remember that rose syrup is alot stronger that rose watwer so go easy!

How does sugar water affect a rose plant?

Because it is sugar water not regular water to food a plant so it will die not live.

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It depends on what you are using it for. If you are making your own almond paste just substitute rose water for the almond extract.

What is rose water made of?

The rose water contain water and a water soluble extract from rose petals.

What is the substitute for rose water?

What I have learned, several substitutions for rose water are: orange flowers water, or rose syrup ( use just a few drops). Almond x tract, or vanilla xtract. Use less of these substitutes, and remember that rose syrup is alot stronger that rose watwer so go easy!

How much vanilla extract should you use to substitute for 1 tablespoon of rose water?

To substitute for 1 tablespoon of rose water, you can use an equal amount of vanilla extract. Vanilla extract is a concentrated flavoring agent, so using the same amount as the rose water should provide a similar level of flavor intensity. Keep in mind that vanilla extract has a different flavor profile compared to rose water, so the final dish may have a slightly different taste. Adjust the amount of vanilla extract based on your personal preference and the specific recipe you are using.

Which salt can be used to substitute kosher salt?

Regular table salt.

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How much weight can you lose with 10 liters of water?

Drinking water does not cause you to lose weight.If you substitute water for a drink that has a lot of sugar or calories, then perhaps this will make a difference.You certainly should not stop eating, and substitute water for food. That is dangerous.The best way to lose weight, is slowly, via a proper diet, regular exercise, and burn more calories than you consume.

What Happens when you add salt to roses?

if u add Epsom salt to water and then put it on the part of the rose that's in the ground then it will make it grow very good.. but if u put regular salt in water it will more than likely kill it. and if u put water on the leaves of the rose then it will definitely kill it

Is there a substitute for water?

There is not a substitute for water when baking or cooking foods. There are a lot of things you can use to substitute water intake in your diet though. Anything you make with water including tea, lemonade, hot tea, coffee, or hot chocolate.