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Q: Can you service with just two liver lobes?
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How many lobes does the shark liver have?

A shark's liver typically has three lobes. This organ is essential for helping the shark maintain buoyancy in the water.

How many liver does human body h ave?

oneActually, the liver is separated into four parts called "lobes". So, there are four parts to the liver.

How many parts make up each lung?

Each lung has more than one "lobe" or section. The right lung has three, and the left lung has only two to leave room for the heart where the upper left lobe would be.

What does bilateral lobes mean?

Bilateral lobes refer to structures that are mirrored or present on both sides of a central axis or line in an organism's body. In the context of brain anatomy, bilateral lobes typically refer to structures like the cerebral hemispheres, which are divided into left and right lobes.

What is situs solitus?

Typically, the heart lies on the left side of the body (levocardia ), the liver and spleen lie on the right, and the lung on the left has two lobes while the lung on the right has three lobes. This normal arrangement is known as situs solitus.

Compare the structure of the human liver with that of the cat?

The structure of the liver in humans and cats is similar, with both having lobes made up of hepatic cells arranged in hexagonal lobules. However, the size of the liver and the relative proportion of the lobes may differ between the two species. Additionally, the arrangement of blood vessels and biliary ducts within the liver may also vary slightly.

What are facts about the liver?

the liver is responsible for plasma protein synthesis, detoxification an decompisition of red blood cells.etc. The liver is attached to two large blood vessels and the hepatic atery and the portal vein. The liver also has two MAIN lobes made of thousands of lobules. Did this help?

What connects the two lobes of the thyroid gland?

The two lobes of the Thyroid gland being the thyroid and the parathyroid are connected by an isthmus.

How many lobes do the right and left lung have?

The right lung contains three lobes. The left lobe only has two. Because of the heart on the left side, the left lung only has two lobes to make more room for the heart to pump on that side.

What does bi-lobed meas?

Bi-lobed means that somethings has two lobes, or elliptical sections. For example, a prostate has two lobes.

Sections of the lungs are called?

The sections of the lungs are called lobes. The right lung has three lobes (upper, middle, lower), while the left lung has two lobes (upper, lower).

Which side of the lungs has 3 lobes?

The left lung has only two lobes and the right has three.