Only at night, and outside. Although Sao Paulo has the same problems with seeing stars as any city does; the city lights are so bright that you can only see the brighter stars.
The longitude of Sao Paulo, Brazil is 46 degrees 38 minutes West longitude. Its latitude is 23 degrees 33 minutes South. Sao Paulo is located in southeast Brazil. It's the largest city in Brazil.
There are no active volcanoes in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The region is not located on a tectonic plate boundary where volcanic activity typically occurs.
The cities along similar latitudes line up surprisingly well. Some of the major cities that line up with Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are Macau, Macau, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Darwin Australia, and Brisbane Australia.
It depends on the time of year.From the third Sunday of February at 02:00 UTC until the second Sunday of March at 07:00 UTC, Sao Paulo is two hours ahead of New York.From the second Sunday of March at 07:00 UTC until the third Sunday of October at 03:00 UTC, Sao Paulo is one hour ahead of New York.From the third Sunday of October at 03:00 UTC until the first Sunday of November at 06:00 UTC, Sao Paulo is two hoursahead of New York.From the first Sunday of November at 06:00 UTC until the third Sunday of February at 02:00 UTC, Sao Paulo is three hoursahead of New York.7 AM EST (in New York Nov-Mar) =8 AM EDT (in New York Mar-Nov) =9 AM BRT (in Sao Paulo Feb-Oct) =10 AM BRST (in Sao Paulo Oct-Feb)(In years when the third Sunday of February falls during Carnival, Daylight Saving Time in Brazil ends on the fourth Sunday of February.)
Seoul is north of the equator. It is located at approximately 37 degrees north latitude.
Sao Paulo in Brazil was founded on the 25th of January 1554
Belem is south from Sao Paulo
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sao paulo sao paulo brandypopz rule
Paulo Vanzolini died on April 28, 2013, in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil of pneumonia.
From the State of Sao Paulo - Paulista From the City of Sao Paulo - Paulistano/Paulistana
Sao Paulo is the largest city in South America
Sao Paulo is in the southeastern part of Brazil and is Brazils largest city. The city is south of the famous Rio de Janeiro. Sao Paulo is home to a large segment of Brazil's industrial sector.
Atiabais is a small town near Sao Paulo city.
Almost 4.000K.
Sao Paulo to Pittsburgh, PA,USA - 7884KM / 4899Mi
Silvio Renoldi was born in 1942, in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.