it turns in to a patato
A new rose plant grows from rose cuttings(stem cuttings).
Root sprouts are new plant shoots that originate from the root system of an existing plant. These sprouts develop due to specialized cells in the root tissues capable of producing new shoots. The sprouts then grow into new plants, utilizing the resources of the parent plant until they establish their own root systems.
Yes, by crossbreeding two plants with desired traits, a new plant can be produced with a combination of characteristics from the parent plants. This new plant may exhibit a mix of traits or potentially new traits not seen in the parent plants.
there s a type of adaptation that the plant use
A bicycle is /was used for whatever the rider wants/wanted to: Exercise, competition, entertainment, work,, travel, sports, exercise, work... I use mine to commute to work, and to get some exercise. Others may use them for fun, and some may use them in their work.whatever you want. Pure fun rides, exercise, commuting or running errands, or participating in competitions.
Carlos 'Patato' Valdes was born in 1926.
Carlos 'Patato' Valdes died in 2007.
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its a patato
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