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yes u can use de-ionized water and that makes a lighter cloud and the the density of the object used to cool it can effect it

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1mo ago

Yes, you can create various types of clouds in a cloud jar by following different methods. For example, you can make cumulus clouds by heating water in the jar and adding ice cubes on top to create condensation; or stratus clouds by gently shaking the jar after adding warm water to simulate a layer of stable air. Experimenting with temperature, pressure, and motion can help create different cloud types in a cloud jar.

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Clouds get their shape from the amount of air and water in them. These 2 elements form a cloud and it's shape.AnswerDepends of the temperature of the cloud, if the cloud have ice cristals, will be different than if it has only water vapor, or different percentage of both.

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Observing clouds can help predict weather because different types of clouds can indicate different weather patterns. For example, dark, thick clouds may signify an approaching storm, while high, wispy clouds may suggest fair weather. By monitoring cloud formations and movements, meteorologists can make informed predictions about potential weather changes.

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It depends. Common whirlwinds such as dust devils and steam devils are not associated with any sort of cloud formation. Tornadoes involve multiple cloud types. In a typical case, a funnel cloud emeges from a wall cloud, which is attatched to a cumulonimbus cloud. Waterspouts can from from cumulonimbu or cumulus congestus clouds.

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to get cloud sneakers for club penguin just make some clouds out there in town and put some penguin in the clouds and give them clouds dress and ask them to sneak out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

What affect the forming of clouds?

Cloud formation is primarily influenced by factors such as air temperature, air pressure, humidity levels, and the presence of condensation nuclei in the atmosphere. As warm air rises, it cools and condenses to form water droplets, which then come together to create clouds. Different types of clouds form at different altitudes and under varying atmospheric conditions.

What cloud will make snow?

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How can identifying clouds help us to predict weather patterns?

Identifying clouds can help predict weather patterns because different types of clouds can indicate the presence of specific weather conditions. For example, cumulonimbus clouds can signal the potential for thunderstorms, while cirrus clouds may suggest fair weather. By monitoring cloud types and patterns, meteorologists can make more accurate forecasts about precipitation, wind, and temperature changes.

What types of clouds make rain?

Nimbostratus and cumulonimbus clouds are associated with rainfall. Nimbostratus clouds are thick and gray, causing steady rain showers. Cumulonimbus clouds are large, dense, and can lead to intense, localized rain showers or thunderstorms.

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