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The four giant planets are comprised mostly of an outer layer of molecular hydrogen and helium and a much thicker layer of metallic hydrogen. However, each may have a small solid core as large as three to 20 Earth masses at their center.In the several decades old, "bottoms-up" or "core-accretion" model, the primordial disk of gas and dust that coalesced into the planetesimals and formed the planets and other planetary bodies was colder in the outer Solar System, being much farther away from the developing Sun. As a result, water and other substances that existed as volatile gases and liquids in the inner nebula were frozen into ices and supplemented the mass of disk materials being accreted into large protoplanets. Because of the greater mass concentration from ices available beyond five times the Earth-Sun distance (AU) from Sol, these protoplanets are thought to have grown much more quickly to greater size than those in warmer, inner orbits. Once these ice-rock planetary bodies grew to a critical threshold size somewhere between five to 10 times the mass of the Earth, their gravity became so great that they began to pull in large amounts of gas directly from the surrounding Solar nebula to form giant protoplanets. Finally, as happened with the inner planets, the largest protoplanet in each local swarm drew in smaller ones to form the planets now observed through collisions, or threw them out of their original orbits into the Oort Cloud, interstellar space, or into collisions with other Solar System objects such as the Sun.According to astronomer Alan P. Boss (Astronomy, October 2006), there's little agreement among astronomers on how the largest gas giants in the Solar System (Jupiter and Saturn) and even larger, recently discovered extra-solar giant planets may have formed. According to the "top-down" or "disk-instability" model, concentrations of a protoplanetary disk's hydrogen and helium gas (which makes up most of its mass) can grow by pulling more gas onto themselves through gravitational attraction. Hence, in a few orbital periods, spiral arms can form and collide within the disk like those in spiral galaxies in a runaway process leading to clumps of gas within a thousand years. If dense amd cool enough, these gas clumps quickly contract and collapse into gas-giant protoplanets which attract dust particles that fall into planetary cores. Between the polar extremes of the tops-down and bottoms-up models, however, astronomers have also developed hybrid mechanisms that incorporate elements of both models.

Scientists have never been able to look inside the four gaseous planets, but there are a lot of indirect evidence that there a surface but not a surface that you would think of. When you would land the surface would be extremely hot. You would need extremely advanced technology to actually land on its surface. The extremely fast winds rushing through the planet would also be a factor. Also the gas that is on each of these planets are extremely poisonous to us. The heat generated from the planet would also burn up the ship not to mention the pressure from the gas planet.

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No, it is not possible for humans to live on a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn as they do not have a solid surface to stand on. The extreme atmospheric pressure and lack of breathable air would make it inhospitable for humans to survive on a gas giant.

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