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Q: Can you imagine giving up such things as snow and hills because they are impractical?
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he painted this piece because he believed in love and that you can imagine wierd things when falling inlove.

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In principle anything can be recycled, the problem is some things are economically impractical to recycle.

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probably because they had it happen to them before so they don't know how to Handel it. but they need to see a doctor because they might be sudical

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It is an input because it is giving the computer information. Things like printers are an output because they are taking information out of the computer and giving the info or data to the user. Keyboards, mice, scanners are all input devices. Things like speakers, and headphones are output.

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No Not that I can imagine.

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Well you could believe you can do things when really you cant. Children can sometimes have a lot of imagination and they can often lie about things because they imagine things up yet they aren't true. I hope I helped!