DNA contain many genes. and with 2 different parents with many different genes and traits of their own, the number of possible combination is enormous
No, mutations are not the only way to add new genes to a gene pool. Gene flow, which involves the movement of genes between populations, can also introduce new genetic variation. Additionally, genetic recombination during sexual reproduction can shuffle existing genes to create new combinations.
No, cloned animals do not lose their genes. The genetic material in a cloned animal is identical to the original animal it was cloned from. The process of cloning involves replicating the DNA of the original animal to create an exact genetic copy.
The lac operon which facilitates or enables lactose digestion to take place has three adjacent structural genes. These genes include lacZ, lacY and lacA. They all have their own unique purpose.
Genes are found within the DNA molecule, specifically within the chromosomes located in the nucleus of a cell. Genes are composed of segments of DNA that code for specific proteins or control the expression of other genes.
because a child cannot create its own genes so they need from their parents
Of corse your parents create you with all of the genes to make .but the can change a gene or Have genes put in you ,but naturally yes!
I supose, your parents!
It is where you change the genes to create a dream model
Many genes, whatever genes are on the chromosomes used to create the cell. look it up.
RNA itself does not contain genes, but RNA is involved in the expression of genes. RNA is transcribed from genes in the DNA and carries the genetic information to create proteins through a process called translation.
You cannot create your own Pokemon.
When dividing to create genes for offspring. :p
A plasmid which encodes genes for its own transfer.
Poor genes can lead to extinction by causing lives to become shorter due to higher incidences of death by disease or weakness. These poor genes combine with other poor genes to create people or animals that are unable to live long and healthy lives.
DNA contain many genes. and with 2 different parents with many different genes and traits of their own, the number of possible combination is enormous
A gene map is a chromosomal map, which shows the location of genes. Based on inherited genes, a linkage can be used to create a gene map.