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Yes identical twins is what there called

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Agnes Bogan

Lvl 13
2y ago
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4mo ago

No, only one sperm is needed to fertilize a woman's egg. Once a sperm successfully penetrates an egg, the egg undergoes a process called fertilization, after which it becomes a zygote. Multiple sperm cannot fertilize the same egg.

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11y ago

One egg can only be fertilized by one sperm. In some species, such as dogs, a female can carry multiple offspring from different fathers.

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Q: Can two sperm fertilize a woman' s egg?
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How does an egg get fertlized?

in a woman's Virgina a egg can get fertilized. there are two ovaries and each month one egg will get released and if you have sex when you are NOT on your period then the sperm will meet up with the egg and fertilize it.

How many sperm cells can fertilise a egg?

Only one sperm cell can fertilise each ovum. After that no more can get in.

Why is it important that only one sperm fertilize an egg?

It is important that only one sperm fertilizes an egg to ensure the correct number of chromosomes in the resulting embryo. If multiple sperm were to fertilize the egg, it would lead to an abnormal number of chromosomes, resulting in genetic disorders and potential miscarriage.

Usually one egg is fertilized by one sperm?

because a "wall" is put up when the sperm meets the egg. This prevents another sperm from meeting the egg.

Is it asexual or sexual when two earth worms each produce sperm and eggs and fertilize each other?

The exchange of sperm and egg is sexual reproduction

If a woman releases 2 eggs at the same time can they be fertilized by 2 different people?

yes they can. when a woman ovulates she usually drops one egg, which is why most women only carry one child. but if she drops two eggs during ovulation, then it takes two sperms to fertilize the eggs. one sperm to one egg.

Why can't two males reproduce?

Two cells, a woman's egg and a mans sperm must attach, in the woman's body so the egg can be fertilized. If you have two men, there is no egg. Therefore no baby to be born.

What type of contraceptive method prevents the sperm from meeting the egg?

Barrier methods, such as condoms and diaphragms, physically prevent sperm from reaching the egg by creating a barrier between the two. Spermicides are another type of contraceptive that work by immobilizing or killing sperm before they can reach and fertilize an egg.

Can a girl have twins from two different guys?

Do you mean can a girl have sex with 2 men in the same night and have twins, one belonging to each of them? I suoopse its possible but theur sperm would have a fight to the death to be the one to fertilise.AnswerYES, it is possible. It is extremely rare, but one sperm can fertilize one egg, and another sperm can fertilize a separate egg resulting in a child from each father.

What two things must happen to the sperm before it can fertilize an egg?

Well first the sperm has to be made by meiosis. Then it has to get to the egg and enter it [If you catch my drift.] Then after that the nucleus of both the sperm and the egg disappear and the chromosomes of both join together and a new nucleus forms. This creates a new dipliod cell, or a new organism in other words.

Can two sperm cell unite with egg cell?

Two sperm, one egg - no. Two sperm, two eggs - yes.

Can a female get another female pregnant?

no because the egg in the female NEEDS sperm to fertilize it not another eggNo.NO.noFirst answer: yes!!!! if she is carrying some sperms with her in some kind of special container..... but that will be termed as artificial insemination ......Second answer: no no chance naturallyA woman can't biologically impregnate another woman. Two women in a relationship can have a child together though. Either through a sperm donor, artificial insemination, or adoption, two women can have child. But a woman can't impregnate another woman.