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Yes, but no with each other.

They can meet other plates.

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Q: Can two plates moving away from each other form a volcano?
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Why are the pacific plates and the antarctic plates moving away from each other?

The Pacific and Antarctic plates are moving away from each other due to seafloor spreading along mid-ocean ridges where new crust is formed. This process creates a divergent boundary where the plates move apart, allowing magma to rise and solidify, pushing them further apart.

What plate boundary is the taal volcano on?

The Taal Volcano is located on a divergent plate boundary, specifically the boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate. This boundary is where the two plates are moving away from each other, creating volcanic activity due to the upwelling of magma from the mantle.

What tectonic plate is grimsvotn volcano on?

Grímsvötn volcano is located on the Eurasian Plate in Iceland. This plate boundary is characterized by the North American Plate moving away from the Eurasian Plate, resulting in the volcanic activity in Iceland.

What kind of plate boundary lies between two plates that are moving away from each other?

A divergent plate boundary lies between two plates that are moving away from each other. At these boundaries, new crust is created as magma rises up from below the Earth's surface and solidifies, pushing the plates apart.

What do transform boundaries have in common with divergent boundaries?

Both transform boundaries and divergent boundaries involve movement of Earth's tectonic plates. However, transform boundaries involve plates sliding past each other horizontally, while divergent boundaries involve plates moving away from each other.

Related questions

What is the plates that are moving away from each other?

This is a divergent plate boundary.

What is the name of the fault that is moving away from each other?

The Plates are Divergent.

Two plates moving away from each other are said to be?


Are the pacific plates and the antarctic plates moving towards each other or away from each other or past each other?

The Pacific Plate and Antarctic Plate are moving past each other. They are both part of the larger tectonic plate system and their movement contributes to the overall dynamics of plate tectonics.

How is a rift zone formed?

Tectonic Plates moving away from each other.

Plates that are moving away from each other?

This is called a divergent plate boundary.

Are most volcanoes on land caused by the Earth's plates moving away from each other or moving toward each other?

all volcanoes are caused by the earths plates moving toward each other and that is called convergent boundaries.

What do we call the plate boundary where plates are moving away from each other?

divergent boundary

What are two plates moving away known as?

Divergent plates

Where do divergent plate boundaries happen on earth?

Divergent plates are found in places where the tectonic plates are moving away from each other.

What is that call when two plates are moving from each other?

When two plates move away from each other it is called a divergent plate boundary because they are dividing.

What boundary between two plates that are moving away from each other called?

divergent plate