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Not unless our atmosphere changes (like an ice age). The water cycle then will still have the same steps but just not in the same amounts.

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defenitly not

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Q: Can the water cycle ever change?
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Does the h2o in a water cycle ever change?

no, it does not according to the law of consevation of mass

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What is a type of change that does not occur in the water cycle called?

A type of change that does not occur in the water cycle is the transformation of matter into a different chemical element. In the water cycle, water remains as H2O molecules throughout the various processes such as evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, without changing its fundamental composition.

Will the water cycle last for ever?

Water cycle is a continuous process. It will last long.

How does water change?

The water cycle is also known as the hydrological cycle or H20 cycle describes

Does water change?

The water cycle is also known as the hydrological cycle or H20 cycle describes

What is affected by the water cycle?

Flora and fauna are affected by water cycle. It causes weather change.

Is water cycle a periodic change?

Water cycle is a continuous process. It occurs every time.

How do people change the water cycle?

there is absolutely no way to change the water cycle but there is a way to stop it get rid of all free and unshaded water the only way to stop it

Is water ever added or taken away from the water cycle?

Water is continually recycled in the water cycle, with no addition or subtraction. The process involves evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, where water changes state and moves around the earth in a continuous cycle. Human activities can impact this natural cycle through pollution or overuse of water resources.

How is the water cycle affected by earth's changing temperatures?

Earth's changing temperatures can impact the water cycle by altering evaporation rates, precipitation patterns, and the distribution of water resources. Warmer temperatures can lead to increased evaporation, more intense rainfall events, and changes in snowmelt patterns, which can impact water availability and distribution in different regions. These changes can have significant effects on ecosystems, agriculture, and human communities that rely on water resources.

How does water work in water cycle?

in lakes rivers sea and all they will evaprate and go and change into water vapour and come down as rain from the clouds and how you pedel in the cycle it will be going on like how you pedel in the cycle this is called water cycle