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No. They can not . Blood group antigens are expressed co dominantly that is if a person has both A antigen and B antigen he will express both. There is no way B will suppress expression A antigen. For a person to have AB blood group one of his parents should have either A or AB and the other should have either B or AB. How ever there is a remote chance of having a mutation which can express both antigens. How ever it is a very very rare situation.

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15y ago
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14y ago


Each person receives one blood group allele (you may think of this as a code) from their mother, and one from their father, and there are three different alleles for ABO blood grouping, namely A, B and O.

While A and B are co-dominant, meaning neither one will 'defeat' each other in the actual expression of the gene, the O allele is a recessive one, meaning it will not be expressed when there is an A or B allele.

For Blood Type A, possible combinations of alleles include AA, and AO.

For Blood Type B, possible combinations include BB, and BO.

For Blood Type AB, it means that the A allele and B allele are expressed together, ie. the genotype is AB.

For type O, the only possible genotype (code) for this is OO, since the blood group O will not be expressed with the presence of a single A or B allele.

Hence two parents will Blood Type O will both have only alleles for O blood group to pass on to their offspring, and naturally their offspring will be of a Blood Type O.

Of course, if there are genetic mutations that's another story..

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10y ago

We are looking for the possible blood types of a baby.

Parental information:

  • Mother type B --can be BB or BO = contributes B or O gene
  • Father type B -- can be BB or BO = contributes B or O gene
Baby receives one gene from each parent:
  • Baby is type BB = Type B
  • Baby is type BO = Type B
  • Baby is type OO = Type O
At the best, two Type B parents can only offer the B or O gene to the offspring. In order to have a Type A baby, there must be at least one A gene in the mix.
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12y ago

type of blood group AA AO BB BO AB OO

Father Blood Group B either BB or BO

Mother Blood Group B either BB or BO

So the child can be either type B or O

if it is AB, then go for a DNA testing.....................

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4w ago

Yes, parents with blood types A and B can have a child with blood type O if both parents carry a recessive O allele. This is because blood type O is recessive to both A and B.

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16y ago

Yes. The blood type of the parents has nothing to do with their sexual/reproductive compatibility. It only plays a part in determining the blood type of the child.

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15y ago

No. In the given scenario, only blood type A and O (considering that both parents are heterozygous) is possible.

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13y ago

well, with genes and blood type... it can't be true, because A+B=AB. but I'm just human.. I just can calculate and estimate it. only God knows the really truth ;)

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Q: Can the parents with the blood type A and B have a child with O blood type?
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The parents must have both blood type B or blood type 0 and B.

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If they both have type A blood, they cannot have a child type B.

How is a child's blood type determined?

The child's blood type is determined by his or her parents' blood types. If both parents have type A, the child can have either type A or O. If both parents have type B, the child can have either type B or O. If one parent has type A and the other parent has type B, the child can have type A, B, AB, or O, but he/she is most likely to have type AB. If both parents have type O, the child will have type O.

Can parents with blood type a and b hae a child with o blood type?

Yes, parents with blood types A and B can have a child with O blood type if both parents are carriers of the O allele. This is because the parents can pass on the O allele to their child, resulting in the child having blood type O.

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No, it is not possible for a couple with blood types B and O to have a child with blood type -A. Blood type -A is not a recognized blood type in the ABO system. Possible blood types for a child of a B and O couple would be B or O.

Is it possible for 2 parents with type b blood to have a child with Type 0 blood?

Yes, they can have a child with blood type AB, which is the rarest of the four types.

Can parents with O blood have b positive baby?

No, if both parents have O type blood they cannot have a child with B type blood. At least one parent would need to have type B or AB blood in order for the child to inherit a B allele.

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Yes, it is possible for two parents with blood type B positive to have a child with blood type AB positive. This is because the child can inherit one B allele from each parent to make blood type AB.

Can parents both blood type b positive have a child with a blood type?

No. B type can only have B, O, and AB. A child with A blood would have to have at least one parent be A or AB.

Can parents with o blood type to have a child with b blood type?

If both parents are type O blood they will only have type O children

Can o positive and o positive have b positive baby?

No, two O positive parents cannot have a B positive baby. Both parents would need to carry the B antigen for the child to be B positive. In this case, it is not genetically possible for the child to have a blood type different from that of the parents.

What some have o blood type where both parents are AB and B?

It is not possible for two parents with blood types AB and B to have a child with O blood type. A child's blood type is determined by the combination of their parents' genes, and O blood type requires both parents to have at least one O gene.